April 29, 2024: FN493 Company Visit @ Ngernturbo


The company visit arranged by Ngernturbo Public Limited Company, a leading financial services firm, provided invaluable insights into the intricacies of the financial industry, particularly within the context of real-world scenarios in Thailand. Their specialized focus on the non-banking sector illuminated the challenges associated with accessing credit for financing and short-term liquidity needs. As aspiring business students, this experience broadened our understanding beyond conventional corporate finance and financial capital markets. In addition to this invaluable knowledge, we were impressed by the company's commitment to a flat organizational structure, fostering seamless collaboration among employees within a dynamic work environment.


As participants in the "Selected Topic on Financial Institutions" course, we express our sincere gratitude for the opportunity to visit Ngernturbo Public Limited Company. Special thanks are extended to Professor Patcharachai and the entire team at Ngernturbo for providing us with a comprehensive understanding of the non-bank sector in Thailand, enriching our academic pursuits with diverse perspectives.


Written by Thananan Limprasert, BBA#30

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Website:  Company Visitation at Ngenturbo Website