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You will find yourself working in a true partnership that results in an incredible
experience, and an end product that is the best.
Prerequisite: -
Basic principles, concepts, and procedures for collecting and recording accounting information; preparation and analysis of financial reports; accounting cycle; accounting and disclosure for assets, liabilities, and owners’ equity.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC201
Concepts of product costing and tools for planning and decision making Topics include basic product costing and cost allocations, variable costing and absorption costing system budgeting,flexible budgeting, standard costing and cost variance analysis, responsibility accounting and transfer pricing, cost volume profit analysis, cost analysis for short term decision and pricing decision.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC201
Understanding of business value chains and key stakeholders of business in various industries, Revenue generating
models, Financial reporting of businesses in various industries, Manufacturing, Merchandising, Service, and others, Analysis of
financial information of businesses in various industries
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC201
Philosophy, concepts, principles, tools, innovations, recent trends, and recent developments in accounting
that benefit students’ thinking and future careers.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC201
Philosophy, concepts, principles, tools, innovations, recent trends, and recent developments in accounting
that benefit students’ thinking and future careers.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC201
Conceptual framework for financial reporting, Principles and accounting treatments for assets, short-term liabilities and provisions, classification, recognition, initial measurement, subsequent measurement, de-recognition, presentation and disclosure of assets and the above liabilities in accordance with Thai Financial Reporting Standards, events after reporting date.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC201
Accounting for long-term liabilities, leases, shareholders' equity, revenue, accounting changes and error corrections, earnings per share, Preparation of statement of cash flows, financial statement presentation and disclosure.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC201
The role and importance of cost accounting, cost terminology and cost accumulation systems, cost calculation under job order costing, cost calculation under process costing, manufacturing overhead cost allocation, joint cost allocation and accounting for by-product, variable costing and absorption costing system, standard costing system and cost variance analysis, costing system for just-in-time production.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC313
Use of cost information for planning, controlling under certainty and uncertainty events, cost behavior, cost estimation, cost-volume-profit analysis, differential cost analysis for short-term decision making, cost of quality, budgeting system, profit variance analysis, responsibility accounting, performance measurement of units in organization, transfer pricing, and capital budgeting.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC201 and IS201
Concepts of accounting information systems, business models, business processes and transactions, computerization in processing, and reporting, typical business documents and reports and proper system documentation, the fundamental of systems security and controls, Information systems audit.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC311 and 312
General concepts about auditing, auditing standards, major components of assurance services and audit profession, Code of Ethics for auditors, audit quality management, audit planning, errors and fraud, assessment of audit risks and related audit strategies, materiality, tests of financial reporting controls, audit sampling, tests of control and substantive tests of major cycles and accounts, critical applications of a questioning mindset and evaluations of reasonable alternatives to reach well-reasoned conclusions and to form an opinion in the auditor?s report.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC312
Basic concept and components of COSO internal control, Basic concepts of internal audit, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), Risk management process, Duties and responsibilities of internal auditors and risk management officers, Duties and responsibilities of internal audit function and risk management function to audit committee and risk management committee, and Components of good corporate governance.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC311 and 312
The relationship and differences between accounting income and taxable income, and the recording of those differences, Personal income tax, Corporate income tax, Withholding tax, Value-added tax, Specific business tax and Accounting for income taxes, Tax responsibilities, Professional ethics, Authority of tax officers in tax assessment and collection.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC311 and 312
Strategic planning for business growth, Fund raising & M&A option evaluation, Due diligence in legal, tax and accounting, Accounting and finance for fund raising & M&A, Legal aspects on fund raising & M&A, Tax planning for fund raising & M&A, IPO & M&A rules and regulations, Filing procedures to regulators, Business valuation techniques, Related party transactions, Roles of regulators and advisors in deal structuring.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC201
Sustainable development concepts, corporate environmental and social responsibility, negative impacts of business activities on the environment and natural resources, environmental management process, identification, collection, and analysis of environment-related costs and earnings information, environmental reporting, and sustainability reporting.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC316
Concepts and Methodology of Forensic Accounting. Fraud definition and schemes. Psychology of Fraud. The detection and prevention of financial fraud and white-collar crime activities. Money Laundering. Cyber Crime. Evidence Collection. Interviewing witnesses and potential suspects. Writing investigative report.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC201 and IS201
Emerging and current information technology in accounting, software packages supporting accounting tasks, data analytic tools and techniques specific to accounting applications.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC201 and IS201
Fundamental in data analytics, Mastering data, Fundamental in using SQL, Advanced spreadsheet, Data analytics in auditing, taxation, managerial accounting, financial statement analysis, Communicating results and visualization.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC311 and AC312
Philosophy, concepts, principles, tools, innovations, recent trends, and recent developments in accounting that benefit students? thinking and future careers.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC311 and AC312
Philosophy, concepts, principles, tools, innovations, recent trends, and recent developments in accounting that benefit students? thinking and future careers.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC311 and AC312
Accounting for Business Combinations, Accounting for investments in associates, joint venture, and subsidiaries, Accounting for joint arrangement, Preparation of consolidated financial statements, Accounting for foreign currency transactions, Translation of foreign currency financial statements, Disclosure of interests in other entities and operating segments.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC311 and AC312
Accounting for revenue from contracts with customers in various revenue-generating forms, Accounting for financial instruments including classification and measurement of financial assets and liabilities, reclassification of financial assets, recognition and derecognition of financial assets and liabilities, impairment of financial assets, derivatives and hedge accounting and distinction between financial liability and equity, Accounting for employee benefits, fair value measurement, and related disclosures.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC311 and AC312
Presentation and disclosure of accounting information in various industries including interim reporting and other quantitative and qualitative information, Linkage between financial statement items, Effects of accounting choices, Tools and techniques for an analysis of financial statement and other financial reporting
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC311 and AC312
Discussion topics focus on new knowledge or interesting issues in financial accounting in changing environment and on presentation skills in various forms.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC311 and AC312
Comparison of international accounting practices, background for a profound understanding of international financial reporting, factors affecting international accounting standards and practices, the problem of international transfer pricing, roles and limitations of accounting information system in the financial statements analysis and international business management, related tax issues and corporate governance.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC311 and AC312
This course will cover an in-depth examination of accounting treatment for Insurance, Agriculture, Petroleum, Hotel, Bank, and other specific industries.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC314
Discussion and exchanging of opinions on the professional ethics, various contemporary issues and recent changes in management accounting field.
Planning and control concepts in the organization, types of control and evaluation system, strategic controlling tools, economic value added, and balanced scorecard.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC316
Analysis, discussions and researches to create in-depth knowledge and understanding in problems which might occur during the course of the audit and also in how to solve such problems.The use of case studies, which involve problems relating to ethics, audit principles, audit practices, independence, responsibilities, auditing standards, as well as current issues in the audit profession.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC315 and AC316
Analysis, discussions and researches to create in-depth knowledge and understanding in principles and concepts of auditing and control per COBIT, the effect of technological development on audit and control, at the corporate level, departmental level and other related systems, evaluation of internal control effectiveness, audit techniques, the use of audit software and the preparation of the audit report
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC315
Current and emerging issues in accounting information systems, reports, internal controls, technological aspects, case studies and academic research in accounting information systems.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC315
Concepts, methods, and principles of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) as well as an accounting application in the ERP system, Selecting and acquiring ERP software, Implementing ERP to an organization, Factors contributing to the success of ERP system in a firm, Cloud-based ERP.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC318
Current issues in tax policy, analysis of tax issues Analysis of tax rulings from Court?s orders, Board of Taxation, Royal Decree Committee Office, Revenue Department, and related parts of BOI Act and International taxation, as well as the new enforcements from the Revenue Codes.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC318
Roles and importance of tax planning for business, effects of tax on business, applications of tax knowledge in determining a tax policy in order to achieve efficiency of tax payment under the Code of Revenue.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC318
Analysis of tax rulings from Court?s orders, Board of Taxation, Royal Decree Committee Office, Revenue Department, and related parts of BOI Act and terms from Industrial District Act, Double Taxation Agreement as well as the new enforcements from the Revenue Codes.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC311 and AC312
Basic knowledge of accounting research, Research process and designs used in academic accounting research, Research problem identification and the designs for research methodology.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC311 and AC312
Philosophy, concepts, principles, tools, innovations, recent trends, and recent developments in accounting that benefit students? thinking and future careers.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC311 and AC312
Philosophy, concepts, principles, tools, innovations, recent trends, and recent developments in accounting that benefit students? thinking and future careers.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC311 and AC312
In-depth study of special accounting issues under the supervision of the advisor.
Prerequisite: -
The course examines the legal system and basic legal principles affecting various forms of business. Review of particular contracts, purchase, sale, hire of property, hire purchase, loan, guarantee, mortgages, pledge, notes, insurance contract, bankruptcy, intellectual property, consumer protection, wrongful act, and electronic based transactions.
Have earned credits of AC201
An overview of excise taxes and custom taxes, personal income tax, corporate income tax. Topics include value-added taxes, specific business taxes revenue stamp, land and building tax and other related taxes collected by government agencies. Responsibility of individuals and businesses to society in paying taxes
Prerequisite: -
Systematic data collection. Descriptive statistics. Probability theory and Bayes? theorem. Random variables, expected values, and probability distributions. Inferential statistics: sampling distribution, estimation of population parameters, and hypothesis testing. Analysis of variance. Correlation and linear regression. Analyzing and applying the results of statistical program.
Prerequisite: -
Study the role of business in creating business value for sustainable success. Analyze stakeholder relationships, business environment, the collaborative elements of business including accounting, finance, marketing, production and operation, human resources, strategic management, entrepreneurship, and business ethics, in the changing world. Basic business concepts in different fields are integrated together through the implementation of business project
Prerequisite: Thammasat Business School students
An application of business concept. Business Model and Revenue Model. Consulting framework development. Case cracking. Competitive advantage analysis. Situational analysis and Competitive landscape. Business problems identification. Future challenges of the business. Integration of multidisciplinary business area including Finance, Marketing, Accounting, Organization Management, Human Resource Management, etc. Formulation of recommendation. Financial Model. Business professional skills including presentation, time management, teamwork, leadership, etc.
Prerequisite: Thammasat Business School students
Apply the knowledge acquired in accounting and business management to the real-world work in the business organization, government agencies or other organizations. Thammasat Business School and Executives of the business organization, government agencies or other organizations will supervise the students during the internship period. The scope of work, duties and responsibilities, the length of internship period and evaluation criteria are specified and agreed upon one of these conditions:
1. Internship with no less than 135 working hours per semester or,
2. Producing empirical evidence/report, which evaluated by TBS faculties/external experts or,
3. Completing/presenting a project that solve practical/real-world business problem.
Prerequisite: -
Study social and business cultures, business customs, common business situations, and business opportunities in Japan. Company visits in Japan are incorporated in the course.
Prerequisite: -
Study social and business cultures, business customs, common business situations, and business opportunities in China. Company visits in China are incorporated in the course.
Prerequisite: -
Study social and business cultures, business customs, common business situations, and business opportunities in Singapore. Company visits in Singapore are incorporated in the course.
Prerequisite: -
Study social and business cultures, business customs, common business situations, and business opportunities in CLMV region (i.e., Cambodia Laos Myanmar Vietnam). Company visits in CLMV region are incorporated in the course.
Prerequisite: Only exchange students are permitted
Study social and business cultures, business customs, common business situations, and business opportunities in Thailand. Company visits in Thailand are incorporated in the course.
Prerequisite: -
Study social and business cultures, business customs, common business situations, and business opportunities in Selected Country I. Company visits in Selected Country I are incorporated in the course.
Prerequisite: -
Study social and business cultures, business customs and common business situations, and business opportunities in Selected Country II. Company visits in Selected Country II are incorporated in the course.
Prerequisite: -
Study the basic elements of effective marketing of luxury goods and services, the characteristics of different segments of the luxury market, tools and skills necessary to develop marketing strategies for luxury goods and services.
Prerequisite: -
Philosophy, concepts, principles, tools, innovations, recent trends, and recent developments in Business Administration that benefit students' thinking and future careers.
Prerequisite: -
Philosophy, concepts, principles, tools, innovations, recent trends, and recent developments in Business Administration that benefit students' thinking and future careers.
Prerequisite: -
Philosophy, concepts, principles, tools, innovations, recent trends, and recent developments in Business Administration that benefit students' thinking and future careers.
Prerequisite: -
Philosophy, concepts, principles, tools, innovations, recent trends, and recent developments in Business Administration that benefit students' thinking and future careers.
Prerequisite: -
Philosophy, concepts, principles, tools, innovations, recent trends, and recent developments in Business Administration that benefit students' thinking and future careers.
Prerequisite: -
Philosophy, concepts, principles, tools, innovations, recent trends, and recent developments in Business Administration that benefit students' thinking and future careers.
Prerequisite: Thammasat Business School students
Participated and awarded in a business-related competition at a national level. Approval from the committee of course accreditation is needed in accordance with the criteria set by the committee.
Prerequisite: Thammasat Business School students
Participated and awarded in a business-related competition at an international level. Approval from the committee of course accreditation is needed in accordance with the criteria set by the committee.
Prerequisite: Thammasat Business School students
Initiate and raise funds in start-up business or awarded in a start-up-related competition. Approval from the committee of course accreditation is needed in accordance with the criteria set by the committee.
Prerequisite: Thammasat Business School students
Operate and raise funds in start-up business or awarded in a start-up related competition. Approval from the committee of course accreditation is needed in accordance with the criteria set by the committee.
Prerequisite: Thammasat Business School student and have earned credits of FN201 and MK201
The course examines a comprehensive process of strategic management to generate sustainable competitive advantage. It also includes deep analysis of internal and external environments for high-impact corporate executives to make logical decisions in alignment with vision, mission, and strategy at each organizational level. Analysis of critical factors pertaining to strategy formulation, implementation and techniques of evaluating strategies will be thoroughly discussed through case studies. Creating an innovative strategy. This course will be discussed through case studies. Recommend for 4th year student.
Prerequisite: For students who are not Economics majors
The course provides a practical understanding of the core economic principles that explain why consumers and companies make their decisions given scarce resources. The topics include the interactions of supply and demand of market operations, through wide-range market structures, ranging from monopoly to perfect competition. Moreover, the course also explains types of failures, in which the role of government intervention policy can improve social welfare.
Prerequisite: For students who are not Economics majors
The course will provide you a practical understanding of the fundamental macroeconomic theories that explain how the economy functions and how macroeconomic policies affect it. The course will cover key macroeconomic measurements, problems, and policy performance, as well as the determinants of national income, employment, and price level, the role of monetary policy and the banking system in stabilizing the economy, and the role of monetary and fiscal policies in stabilizing the economy. The balance of payments, foreign currency market and exchange rate determination, and the use of economic indicators to understand economic circumstances are all covered in the international economics part.
Prerequisite: EC211 (or EC213) and MA216 (or MA211)
Consumer behavior focusing on indifference curve analysis, intertemporal consumption, consumption and risks. Theory of production and cost, the birth of the firm using information cost, structure and behavior of imperfect competitive markets which are monopoly, monopolistic competition and duopoly markets. Introduction to game theory. Price setting in practice. Price determination in factor markets, general equilibrium analysis, welfare Economics, market failures and measures to correct.
Prerequisite: a) EC211 and EC212 or b) EC213 and EC214
The course discusses the economy's mechanism using a general equilibrium approach, which proposes appropriate government policies to stabilize and boost economic growth. Classics, New Classics, Keynesian, and New Keynesian school of thinking are all used to create appropriate policies. The role of how the labor market perceives and responds to information in determining the character of aggregate supply and the Phillips curve is examined for the closed economy. The static and dynamic elements of aggregate supply and demand interactions are investigated. Furthermore, the microeconomics foundation is utilized to investigate how agents react to one another, to policies, and to the economy's growth. The model of joint equilibrium (IS-LM-BP) in product markets, money markets, and foreign exchange markets for an open economy.
Prerequisite: a) EC211, EC212 and MA216 (or MA211) or b) EC213, EC214 and MA 216 (or MA 211) (credits will not be awarded to students who are taking or have completed EC421)
Applying mathematical concepts and tools such as functions, equations, matrices, univariate and multivariate differential calculus, constrained and unconstrained optimization, and basic integral to understand the relationship between different economic variables and explain concepts of Microeconomic theory and Macroeconomic theory. An emphasis will be placed on relationships between total, average, and marginal functions, the analyses of elasticity, market equilibrium, impacts of taxation, and the basic input-output model.
Prerequisite: EC211 (or EC213), EC212 (or EC214), MA216 (or MA211) and ST216 (or ST211) (Credit will not be awarded to students who are taking or have completed EC425)
Apply basic concepts in econometrics, including, linear estimation methods and problems with remedial technique i.e. Multicollinearity, Heteroscedasticity, Autocorrelation, Specification error, Identification, solving endogeneity problem using Instrumental Variable (IV) technique, and Logit model. Practical applications of all topics are mainly emphasized, as well as, how to choose the appropriate tool for an empirical study and interpretation of the estimated results obtained from econometric software.
The relationship between economic growth, natural resources allocation and environmental problems. Basic economic theories used for analysis and application in natural resources management and environmental problems. The roles of government, community, and business sectors to control and solve problems in natural resource and environmental exploitation at local, national, and global levels. Concept of sustainable development. Concept of environmental justice. Basic concepts and methodologies in economic valuation of natural resources and environment. Current issues in natural resource and environment.
Prerequisite: EC311 and EC320 (or EC421)
The application of game theory with complete and incomplete information including strategic games, Nash Equilibrium, mixed-strategies equilibrium, extensive games, subgame perfect equilibrium, Bayesian games, extensive games of incomplete information, and other topics that the lecturer finds suitable.
Prerequisite: -
Development of English communication skills, including listening, speaking, reading and writing. Practice of language, vocabulary and expressions used in academic and social contexts.
Prerequisite: -
Development of integrated English skills through different types of social media. Practice of language, vocabulary and expressions for digital communication.
Prerequisite: -
Development of international communicative business English. Improvement of fluency and accuracy in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Use of business related vocabulary. Application of existing business knowledge and therories in assignment completion.
Prerequisite: -
Study of academic English skills at an intermediate level. Development of skills required for academic study. Practice of reading strategies, writing different types of academic texts, and presenting results.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of EL221
Development of advanced international business English. Practice in business participation and leadership in international business. Improvement of fluency and accuracy in advanced listening, speaking, reading and writing. Use of advanced business-related vocabulary. Application of current business knowledge and theories in assignment completion.
Prerequisite: -
Concepts of entrepreneurship, theoretical applications of entrepreneurship, a start-up business or a new business development venture, analysis and evaluation of business opportunities, feasibility study, business planning design and business plan development
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of ER211
Business opportunity identification, concepts and tools for business model design and development, testing of business models, implementation and evaluation of business models, process of feasibility analysis for new venture or business development, assessment of new business development, new venture strategy, risks on the interplays between external and internal factors, and business designs and control mechanisms.
Prerequisite: -
Concepts, skill sets, and technical knowledges of creativity, innovation and value creation, new product development, and technopreneurial skills for the planning of business prototypes for new business development.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of ER211
Concepts of social entrepreneurship, goals of conducting social business, motivation of social entrepreneurs, types of social enterprises, attracting talents and resources for social enterprise, opportunities and challenges for social entrepreneurship, social value and social return on investment.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of ER311
An integration of entrepreneurship concepts starts from opportunity searching and assessment, prototyping, business plan development, feasibility analysis, internal team building, coordination with relevant external partners, and running a new venture to obtain feedback for improvement.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of HR201
Concepts of technology management, development of technology management processes, skills for a firm?s technology and production in factories or production lines as well as service businesses, quality management, supply chain management, supplier system, research and development, and production innovation especially business/ product architecture.
Prerequisite: -
Relationships between development and the environment. Lessons from the past. Problems and impact on environmental quality from development. Environmental planning to reduce conflicts between development and environmental conservation and field trip.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC201 or AC291
The basic principles of financial management for business, the responsibilities of financial managers, maximization of enterprise value, axioms of finance, analysis of financial reports, cash flows, fundamental analysis on risk and rates of returns, the time value of money, working capital policies, capital budgeting techniques, financing mix, short-term and long-term sources of funds, distributions to shareholders, the costs of capital, and an introduction to developments in the financial industry, such as sustainable finance, digital assets.
Prerequisite: -
This class covers a broad range of topics that are critical foundations to the study of finance. The first part of the class covers exponential, logarithmic, linear, and quadratic functions as well as basic calculus. Calculus concepts include the principles of limits, differentiation rules, implicit differentiation, definite and indefinite integrals. Extended applications of these concepts are provided via modules on matrix algebra and optimization. The second part of the class focuses on probability and statistics. The aim is to develop familiarity with tools that are necessary building blocks in understanding algorithms behind machine learning and data analytics. The concept of prediction is introduced through basic econometrics of linear regression modeling and applied to financial forecasting problems.
Prerequisite: No credits earned from this course if BA202 Taxation or FN453 Insurance Business Management or FN312 Investments or AC318 Tax Accounting has been taken or is taken with this course in the same semester (or LA336 or STxxx related to insurance has been taken or is taken with this course in the same semester)
Personal financial planning via wealth creation, accumulation, protection, and distribution, personal consumption planning, individual financial positions and cash flows, analysis of personal financial statement, setting optimal personal financial goals and financial planning, the time value of money, and other financial techniques for personal financial management, cash and credit management for individuals, investment planning consistent with individual goals and circumstances, diversification, efficient asset selection, tracking, evaluating, and revising investment plans, basic, complexed, and alternative financial instruments, such as fixed-income securities, equity securities, derivatives, unit trusts, commodities, real estates, digital assets, and other alternative assets, tax planning, insurance and assurance planning, retirement planning, and estate planning.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN201 and FN211
Theoretical concepts of corporate financial management and their applications to resolving real-world financial problems that financial managers regularly encounter, management of asset structure and financial mix, applications of financial models and instruments on managing assets, liabilities, and equity, valuation, the cost of capital, capital structure, capital budgeting under uncertainty, leasing, concepts of agency problems and corporate governance. Sustainable finance and its effects on firm valuation.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN201 and FN211
Asset classes and financial instruments, securities markets and trading mechanism, risk and return measurement of individual securities and portfolios, efficient diversification, asset pricing models, efficient market hypothesis, bond pricing, yield curve, risks of bond investing, equity valuation: discounted cash flow and relative valuation, foundation of derivatives, valuation of futures and options.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN313 and EC212 or EC214
Financial management of international and multinational businesses, international economic environment, international monetary system, current account, capital and financial account, balance of payment, the mechanism of foreign exchange market including cryptocurrencies and digital assets, application of financial instruments and derivatives for foreign exchange risk management, roles of international financial institutions, International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, Bank for International Settlement (BIS)
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN201 and FN211
Various aspects in financial institutions management especially commercial banks, risk management, capital and liquidity management, asset and liabilities management, profit and cost analysis, stability and investment strategies analysis, principles of credit management, regulation and compliance.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN312
Fixed income securities, the mechanisms of domestic and international debt markets, fixed income instrument analyses, credit risk, pricing, risk behavior, return and investment strategies of debt portfolios.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN311 and FN312
A student internship to obtain finance professional experiences of at least 135 hours in a pre-approved state or private organization.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN311 and FN312
The course introduces financial risks that corporates necessarily take for value creation. These risks are measured, analyzed, and managed using financial and non-financial techniques so that risk levels satisfy corporate risk appetite and tolerance.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN311 and FN312
The course introduces concepts of sustainable financial management and sustainable investment, which emphasizes roles of environment, social and governance (ESG) and their associated risk, responsible investment, new financial instruments related to sustainable finance, ethics and best practice for finance people.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN311 (No credits earned from this course if AC413 Financial Reporting and Statement Analysis has been taken)
Various financial tools used in financial analysis for performance evaluations of firm strategies based on profitability relative to risks, applications of financial analysis for better prediction of future cash flows for valuation and credit analysis
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN311 and FN312
Various tools and techniques used in financial viability study, principles of and practice in developing business plans, feasibility studies of projects including new projects, expansions, non-current-asset replacements, project delays, and terminations of projects, real options and evaluations of long-term investments, a group project on a business feasibility study.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN311 and FN312
Value creation using advanced financial management strategies and tactics of both financing and investing activities, lectures and case studies.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN311 and FN312
Principles of investment banking. Value creations for firms and investors by mergers and acquisitions and business reorganizations. Digital transformation of financial institutions. Variety of investment banking activities, restructuring, underwriting services, financial consulting services, initial public offerings, investment research, asset management and capital raising, through case studies in Thailand and abroad.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN312
The course familiarizes students with the market microstructure of equity markets and the work process of sell-side and buy-side analysts in the valuation and recommendation of listed equity securities. There is emphasis on top down fundamental analysis starting with economic, industry, to company analysis. Mainstream valuation approaches (discounted cash flows, relative valuation, and residual income) are highlighted with hands-on approach to class delivery. Valuation of ESG and digital initiatives are included along with applications of simulations to evaluate asset price sensitivity.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN312
Theory and practice of modern portfolio management. Portfolio construction. Capital market expectations. Portfolio performance evaluation. Passive and active equity portfolio management. Factor investing. Bond portfolio management. Mutual fund business and empirical evidence in mutual funds. Contemporary issues in asset management. Financial modeling using actual market data in Excel program.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN314
Introduction to insurance business. Life and non-life insurance products. Insurance premium pricing. Insurance distribution channels. Underwriting process. Insurance claims management. Financial statements analysis of insurance companies. Investments of insurance companies. Risk management in insurance business. Reinsurance. Regulation of insurance business. Contemporary issues in insurance business management.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN311 and FN312
Applications of mathematical, statistical, and financial theories and models to resolve financial problems of investors and fund raisers in innovative ways. Interesting topics include asset-price behaviors, securities designs, advanced derivative pricing, and portfolio and advanced risk-management strategies.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN311 and FN312
The course introduces theoretical models for calculating fair values of financial instruments, especially derivatives and embedded derivatives, estimating impairment values of credit assets, and analyzing hedging for risk management. The results serve as inputs for financial reports under accounting standards.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN312
Fundamental principles of derivatives, including futures and forward contracts, options, warrants, swaps, and option embedded securities, derivatives pricing models, strategies for speculating or hedging.
Prerequisite: FN351 Fixed Income Analysis
The course introduces a complex fixed income securities, arbitrage free pricing method, valuation and analysis of option embedded bond, measuring interest rate risk and analysis, mortgage debe market analysis, securitization process, mortgage backed securities analysis, and asset backed securities analysis.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN313
International financial markets, innovation of financial markets including cryptocurrencies and digital assets, financing sources from international debt and stock markets and digital tokens, financial management for multinational corporations, direct investment analysis, international portfolio investments, political risk analysis, international capital budgeting and working capital management.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN311 and FN312
(No credits earned from this course if EC425 Econometrics 1 or EC426 Econometrics 2 has been taken or is taken with this course in the same semester)
Basic econometrics including linear regression, time-series model, volatility model, event studies, etc. is employed to estimate the relationship of financial variables, to forecast financial variables, or to test financial theories with real data in financial markets.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN311
Conceptual and practical issues in a startup business development, financing startups, operational goals and growth, technology applied in a finance business, a development of new financial products.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN311 and FN312
Analysis of selected or current financial issues using case studies, guided class discussions, and business presentations
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN311 and FN312
Analysis of selected or current issues in the area of investments using case studies, guided class discussions, and business presentations
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN312 and FN314
Analysis of selected or current issues in the area of financial institutions using case studies, guided class discussions, and business presentations
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN311 and FN312
Researching on an interesting topic. Being able to identify problems or raise questions, then provide evidence to resolve them. A study report is required.
Prerequisite: -
Management concepts, evolution of management, roles and skills of managers, organizational functions and operations, planning, organizing, human resource management, leading, motivating, organizational behavior and performance, controlling, managerial decision making, ethics, and use of various management tools in the digital era. Also, modern entrepreneurship, current state of entrepreneurship in the global and Thailand contexts, concept and skills required for entrepreneurs, types and characteristics of entrepreneurs.
Prerequisite: -
Strategic roles of compensation/rewards systems, job analysis, job evaluation, wage and salary survey, pay structure, incentive and benefits programs, remuneration law and other relevant contemporary issues on managing compensation and rewards.
Prerequisite: -
The global environments of international business, including the globalization process, regional economic cooperation, social, cultural, and political environments. Evolutions of international business, international trade and foreign direct investment. Key theories in international business. Roles and impacts of multinational enterprises.
Prerequisite: -
Criteria and guidelines for international trade operations, import and export procedures, rules and regulations of international trade, Thai and international policies on international trade.
Prerequisite: -
Business ethics, executive decision makings, ethical dilemma, organization guidelines on ethical issues, roles of business in society, consequences of doing business, stakeholders
Prerequisite: -
Global business change, new business re-designed, IS and IT enhance business process, roles & types of information systems, business information systems, digital technology infrastructure, components of information technology infrastructure, trends of IT platform, database, data warehouse, big data, business intelligence, ethics, security, logical thinking, Microsoft Excel, Robotic process automation.
Prerequisite: -
Use database management systems to manage systematic data, spreadsheet software for data analysis and report presentation for operation, planning and decision making, and using software having a faster and easier development environment for building business applications that can connect data from many platforms. Applications can be accessed via mobile devices or via the browser (Microsoft Power Apps).
Prerequisite: -
Interface design procedure, data gathering, task and user analysis, information architecture and conceptual design, design principles and rationales, user-centered design, prototyping, graphical user interface design, case study on requirements, design and evaluation, interface evaluation, usability inspection and testing, communication and using findings, software maintenance.
Prerequisite: -
Flowchart or activity diagram, overview, setup, basic syntax, variables, operators, decision making and loops, data types such as numbers, string, lists, tuples, dictionary, date and time management, functions, modules, file I/O management, exception handling, object-oriented programming, regular expression, GUI programming, data structure and algorithm.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of IS201
Overview of business intelligence, analytics, data science, and artificial intelligence, The nature of data, statistical modeling, and visualization, The data mining process, methods, and algorithms, Emerging issues and practice of data visualization, Text mining, sentiment analysis, and social analytics, Big data, cloud computing, and location analytics, Workshops for dashboard, classification and image recognition.
Prerequisite: -
Introduction to data communication, computer network models, Internet, computer networks, network security, network management, Concepts of Distributed Systems, High Performance Computing, Information Storage Management, Overview of Cloud Computing, Cloud Computing Models, Components of Cloud Computing, Emergent Trends and Practices, Cloud Security, Cloud Monitoring, Artificial Intelligence in Cloud Computing, Career Opportunities and Job Roles in Cloud Computing.
Prerequisite: -
Database architecture, relational database, relational algebra, Structured Query language: data definition, data manipulation, relational integrity, database design: normalization, Entity Relationship diagram, case tools, data recovery, data concurrency, data security, web database, NoSQL, big data.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of IS314
System development approaches and methodologies, roles and skills of system analyst, understanding business strategy, business knowledge, investigating situation and considering perspectives of IS/IT projects, future state analysis, change and development strategies, requirements engineering, object modeling, business process modeling, Agile methodology, RPA and business process.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of IS201
Risks associated information systems and how to mitigate these risks which comprise top management and operation in computer center, application, data base, blockchain, network operating system, and computer network. In addition, the course will introduce introduction of IT standard, law and ethics. This course also introduces fundamentally practical experience on how to implement controls in information systems based on ISO27001 and fundamentally analyse security and control using tableau.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of IS201
Fundamental concept of ERP system, funding information systems, business processes such as revenue, expense and production. In addition, risks associated with business processes and security and control related to mitigate those risks. This course also introduces fundamentally practical experience on how to configure core functions of ERP systems for medium enterprise and fundamentally analyse data on ERP usig rapidminer.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of IS201
Conceptual frameworks of different types of electronic business, basic concept of electronic business model, applications, technology, security, and privacy protection issues. Electronic business strategy together with digital marketing and electronic business management issues, website design and development tools (WordPress) to implement a real electronic business project.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of IS201
Concepts and fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Applications of AI i.e. core business data, sales and marketing, media, natural language, content creation and community building. Data, technology and people preparation. AI implementation strategy, implications and as a service approach. The example of AI i.e. churn analysis. Economical perspective of AI.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of IS311
Mobile applications develop using emerging frameworks. Learn how to use tools such as IDE, SDK and version control to systematically and collaboratively work as a development team. User interaction implementation via forms and gestures. Implement routing and state management in mobile applications. Speed up mobile applications via asynchronization. Integrate mobile applications with various data sources. Test, build and deploy mobile applications.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of IS201
Philosophy, concepts, principles, tools of 1-3 deep technologies in trends relating to business and future careers of students, hands-on learning.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of IS315
How-to and steps for developing information system. Web protocols, standards and programming languages for both client and server sides. How to develop a responsive website. Storing states and other temporary data using web cookies and session. Displaying media on website. Web application weakness, i.e., points that are vulnerable to hackers. Technique to correct and increase security. Student will create web application that interacts with users run on desktop or mobile devices and connects to database or retrieves data from other web services or API.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of IS315
Design phase and system architecture design. User interface design including responsive and material design concept, user interface design for desktop, web, mobile and IoT applications. Database design including UI mockup and prototyping. System deployment and testing. Domain driven design with continuous integration and delivery. DevOps, container platform and release management with issue tracking.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of IS312
Overview of Tools for Data Analytics, Related Analytic Tools and Languages, Data Basics, Data Manipulation, Data Visualization, Statistical Modeling, Optimization, Unsupervised Learning, Supervised Learning, Modeling and Validation.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of IS314
Advanced relational database design, data warehouse modeling, using Microsoft Power BI for extracting, transforming, and loading process (ETL process) to prepare data model for planning and decision making reports, physical database design, SQL statements and functions for database control, database management with modern database management system (Oracle Database), Cloud database management, and NoSQL database model.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of IS319
Concepts, techniques, and approaches to understand online consumer behaviors and run a successful online business. Online business model analysis, business online content creation, use of tools and platforms to analyze online business data on the website and online social media (e.g. Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Ads, Facebook Pixel and Marketing Analytics, A/B Testing, Search Engine Optimization), digital finance trend and law issues related to online business. Students will have project work and workshops to practice various online business data analysis techniques and platforms to propose the improvements and campaign planning suggestions to enhance competitive advantages of online business.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of IS415
Software Quality Fundamentals, Quality Culture, Software Quality Requirements, Software Engineering Standards and Models, Reviews, Software Audits, Verification and Validation, Software Configuration Management, Policies, Processes, and Procedures, Measurement, Risk Management, Supplier Management and Agreements, Software Quality Assurance Plan, Software Quality Standard.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of IS319
Technology, innovation and business competitiveness, innovation management, business innovation (product, process, business model), design thinking, lean startup, agile concept, overview and trends of emerging technologies, emerging technologies in trends, case study of emerging technologies and business innovations.
Prerequisite: -
The elements of international trade and commercial shipping, the structures and characteristics of the shipping industry, organizational structures of a transport company, role of the intermediate persons or freight forwarders in the shipping business, the role of government as a policy maker, principles and practices of transport companies, contract, the multimodal transport concept, ports, marine insurance, logistics, transport document, equipment and cargo-handling system.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of IT211
General rules and regulations of insurance law, new Lloyds, Institute Clause of marine insurance policy for goods and vessels -- additional rules after the coverage period - and measure of indemnity between the counterparts. Understanding the principle of risk management.
Prerequisite: -
Concepts of freedom and rights of speech and expression, ideologies, legal and moral background related to media codes of ethics and self-regulation practices, social responsibilities, media protection, and consumer protection, as well as the right to privacy.
Prerequisite: Have taken LA230
This course explores principles, rationales and concepts providing room for enactment of legislation for the protection of consumers. The study embraces legal measures for consumer protection, enforcement of law and measures for redressing injury suffered by consumers as embodied in the consumer protection law, product liability law, direct sale and direct marketing law, consumer case procedure law and other relevant legislation as well as establishment of consumer protection organizations as prescribed in the Constitution.
Prerequisite: Have taken LA350
This course aims to provide an account of concepts and fundamental principles of competition law, means used to control or regulate activities which will affect the free and fair competition, exceptions to specific activities, governmental role in the law enforcement and problems pertaining to international trade and international investment.
Prerequisite: -
Development of critical thinking through questioning, analytical, synthetic and evaluation skills. Students learn how to read without necessarily accepting all the information presented in the text, but rather consider the content in depth, taking into account the objectives, perspectives, assumptions, bias and supporting evidence, as well as logic or strategies leading to the author?s conclusion. The purpose is to apply these methods to students? own persuasive writing based on information researched from various sources, using effective presentation techniques.
Prerequisite: -
The central theme of this course is the introduction of the marketing definition and its importance as a vital business function. The content includes modern marketing concepts, the shift in marketing in the digital era, its role, and the major influences of marketing on the economy, society, environment, and consumer behavior. The course also covers the traditional marketing mix and the digital one, introductory marketing management, preparation of a basic marketing plan, and ethics of marketers.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of MK201
The central theme of this course is a study of concepts and theories of behavioral analysis to understand consumers and their behaviors. The content includes traditional thinking, which emphasizes psychological and behavioral theory for the purchasing decision-making process, and contemporary alternative theories from sociology and anthropology, which emphasizes understanding consumers from social and cultural dimensions. The course also covers different perspectives on ethical issues, including unethical business conduct and the dark side of consumer behavior. The content also focuses on the practical applications of consumer behavior analysis in marketing.
Prerequisite: Marketing major and have earned credits of MK211
The central theme of this course is customer-centricity and customer relationships enabled by a customer data platform (CDP), which collects and unifies customers' data from various sources and touchpoints. The content includes different data collection and analytics of such customer data to inform marketing and business decisions, gain customer insight and behavioral patterns, which use to map the customer journey, predict customers' behaviors and design customer experience. The course also covers the customer lifetime value concept in customer relationship management programs. Students will learn how to develop customer acquisition, expansion, and retention strategies, which will enable them to achieve optimized customer lifetime value and delightful customer relationships.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of MK211
The central theme of this course is to introduce students to the overall responsibilities and tasks of a brand manager. The content includes developing and understanding different customer segments, the methodology to select the strategic target market(s), the design of brand positioning and identity, brand strategy and marketing programs, growing and sustaining brand equity, brand audit, and brand health check.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of BA204 and MK312
The central theme of this course is the marketing research process from a marketer's perspective. The content includes the importance of marketing research, research skill development in seeking, analyzing, and synthesizing information to formulate marketing problem statements from which research questions are derived, integrating marketing problems with the research question, marketing research designs including qualitative, quantitative research, and mixed methods. The course also covers the development of data collection tools, fieldwork, analyzing and reporting research results to answer the research question, and developing a marketing strategy to solve marketing problems.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of MK211
A central theme of the course is the study of management and planning of customer-centric product and service strategy. The content includes the definition, importance, and unique differences between products and services, as well as internal and external factors affecting management, market positioning, product and service decision strategies, such as customer experience-enhanced service marketing mix (7P's), product mix, product line, product portfolio, and product and service life cycle management. The course also covers new product and service design and essential tools to create a positive customer experience and long-term organizational value, which are the Business Model Canvas, Service Blueprint, Innovative Product Development, and tools for monitoring, evaluating, and improving service quality, such as SERVQUAL and E-SERVQUAL models.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of AC202 and MK201
A central theme of the course is to introduce students to price setting and pricing strategies, which are important drivers of profitability through hands-on workshops and case studies. The content includes applying methodologies and concepts such as cost-based pricing, competitor-based pricing, customer value-based pricing, breakeven analysis, price elasticity, price segmentation, pricing of interrelated products, dynamic pricing, competitive pricing strategy, and pricing psychology in different business settings.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of MK201
A central theme of the course is distribution channel systems for traditional and modern trade, their roles, management constraints, and integration into the marketing strategy. The content includes analysis of dynamic market factors, design and distribution of channels for effective and efficient management distribution networks, and strategic deployment of multi-channel marketing and omnichannel decisions to gain competitive advantages. The course also covers the roles, behavior of channel members, dimensions of channel power, management of channel conflict, channel incentive programs, coordination of channel relationships, and trade marketing, developing, controlling, and evaluating a distribution channel in consumer and business markets.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of MK312
The central theme of this course is concepts, principles, and approaches to integrated marketing communications in response to the marketing challenge. The content includes an integrated marketing communications plan in terms of message and seamless contact point (digital and physical) integration and evaluation, based on the understanding of consumer and brand, especially brand positioning.
Prerequisite: Marketing major and have earned credits of MK313
The central theme of this course is to build decision-making-related skills emphasizing the use of data and marketing metrics to create impactful decisions in various landscapes and perspectives via a hands-on approach with assignments, projects, and case studies. The content includes data acquisition, analysis, visualization, obtaining various types of data used in marketing from multiple data sources, and cleaning and storing them for easy access and interchange. Students will learn how to conduct online data (web) scraping and import data from other primary and secondary data sources. The course also covers various approaches to marketing data analysis and their application across multiple marketing situations, equipping students with the art of visualizing data in a way that aids businesses in making effective decisions.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of MK312
The central theme of this course is to educate students to understand how to apply digital technologies to craft marketing strategies in responding to consumer and business markets in a digital era. The content includes issues and challenges of digital technologies in the competitive marketing landscape, leveraging digital technologies to gain competitive advantage, formulating digital marketing strategy, and designing metrics to measure the success of digital marketing strategy.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of MK201
The central theme of this course is to examine key entrepreneurial marketing theories, concepts, and strategies that can be applied to both established and new businesses operating in fast-changing, volatile business environments via a series of hands-on case studies and business simulation. The content includes a discussion of the evolution of the marketing and entrepreneurship interfaces, an exploration of the underlying elements of entrepreneurial marketing. The course also covers how entrepreneurs can proactively identify, evaluate, and exploit market opportunities to acquire and retain profitable customers and how to formulate entrepreneurial marketing strategies using innovative approaches to risk management, resource leveraging, and value creation.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of MK211
The central theme of this course is a study of retail business management, based on shopper behavior understanding in order to determine effective retailing strategy and retail marketing mix so that the store can compete in the retail business, covering on-site, online, and Omni retail. The content includes retail concept development, location selection, store design and decoration, and category management, including determining the breadth and depth of product categories, purchasing, store layout, product display, retail pricing, promotion, and retail human resources.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of MK201
The central theme of this course is to study the modern concept of sales management that requires internal and external data usage. The content includes the use of internal and external information for situation analysis and qualitative and quantitative data to plan and determine sales strategies to satisfy target customers and purchase decisions. This course also studies how to build effective sales teams and ethical sales management under the proper use of technology.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of MK201
The central theme of this course is a study of creating marketing strategies in the business market. The content includes different and intertwined business marketing and consumer market, vision in the business market, analyzing market environments in business marketing, procurement and service design for the business market, business purchasing behavior, government purchasing behavior, marketing opportunities, marketing strategy, product development and management, business marketing channels, marketing communications, digital marketing for the business market, sales management, selling techniques, pricing and negotiation, marketing evaluation, and customer satisfaction.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of MK201
The central theme of this course is food product marketing and food innovation. The content includes challenging environmental factors affecting the food industry, such as trends and consumers' social and behavioral characteristics, which drive food consumption decisions and behavior. The course also covers searching and understanding the food technologies enablers in developing a competitive value proposition for food products and practicing creating food marketing strategies.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of MK201
The central theme of this course is a study of concepts and ways of doing international marketing, including importing and exporting, foreign direct investment, marketing strategy in globalization, and factors affecting international marketing through in-class assignments, case studies, and group projects. The content includes gaining consumer insights across international markets and translating them into appropriate marketing programs, linkages of the dynamic international environments, international opportunities, and international marketing strategies through an international marketing manager.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of MK319
The central theme of this course is to educate students to understand the digital advertising planning process that aligns with the digital marketing plan via a hands-on approach with assignments and projects. The content includes digital advertising channel selection, communication strategy, execution in different digital advertising platforms, and performance measurement.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of MK312
Philosophy, concepts, principles, tools, innovations, recent trends, and recent developments in marketing to develop students' thinking and paradigmatic view that will be beneficial to their future careers.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of MK312
Philosophy, concepts, principles, tools, innovations, recent trends, and recent developments in marketing to develop students' thinking and paradigmatic view that will be beneficial to their future careers.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of MK312
The central theme of this course is how responsible marketing management can contribute to sustainability and discussing the adverse impact of conventional business and marketing mindsets and practices. The content includes changes from the organizational level by employing sustainability-related concepts and conducts, strategic management tools, and technology to create competitive business advantage with the responsibility to stakeholders and commitment to overall sustainability, which later influences changes in marketing management from creating sustainable value, targeting, branding, to other key marketing strategies. The course also covers marketing applications for not-for-profit organizations and social enterprises.
Prerequisite: Marketing major and Have earned credits of MK312
The central theme of this course is to integrate marketing theories, concepts, and knowledge to develop marketing strategies and plans via a learning-by-doing approach. The content includes developing a comprehensive marketing plan, using marketing simulation, or a consultative project for a real firm to develop skills in marketing decision-making and marketing performance analysis in a dynamic and competitive environment.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of MK312
Philosophy, concepts, principles, tools, innovations, recent trends, and recent developments in marketing to develop students' thinking and paradigmatic view that will be beneficial to their future careers.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of MK312
Philosophy, concepts, principles, tools, innovations, recent trends, and recent developments in marketing to develop students' thinking and paradigmatic view that will be beneficial to their future careers.
Prerequisite: Marketing major and Have earned credits of MK312
The central theme of this course is an individual project basis. During the course, the student conducts research on a particular problem or topic in marketing under the supervision of an advisor in accordance with the ethical and professional norms in marketing.
Prerequisite: -
Study of concepts, techniques and tools to design, analyze, and improve core operational capabilities, and their application to a broad range of industries. Topics include operations strategy, productivity, product/service design, process design, quality management, inventory management, project management, supply chain management, operational performance measurement and operations for sustainability.
Prerequisite: -
Study of using data, information technology, quantitative methods, and mathematical or computer-based models to help management gain improved insight about their business operations in order to make better, fact-based decisions. Topics include linear programming models, transportation models, network models, Markov analysis, inventory models and simulation.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of OM201
Study of concepts and tools for analysis, design and improvement of business processes, concepts of productivity, effectiveness and efficiency of work systems, waste, systematic problem solving, performance indicators of work processes, process analysis techniques, and business transformation for Industry 4.0 and digital age.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of OM201
Study of concepts, tools and techniques to gear up operations excellence in terms of quality, profitability and business sustainability. Topics include principles of quality, standard of quality management system, design of organization and high performance work system, design for quality and product excellence, quality and operations excellence awards, applications of statistical tools and methods, learning organization, as well as operational best practices and business sustainability.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of BA204
Study of analyzing historical business data and applying computer-based quantitative forecasting techniques to achieve reliable forecast of the future. Topics cover the review of relevant statistical concepts, the important role of forecasting in business functions, the forecasting process, the studies of several forecasting techniques such as na?ve, moving averages, exponential smoothing, simple and multiple linear regression, time series decomposition, Box-Jenkin, and combining techniques.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of OM201
Study of distinctive characteristics of "service" , the strategic planning for service business, service process design, and effective service operations will be discussed. Applications of concepts in several types of service such as restaurants, movie theaters, hotels, hospitals, communication, and transportation, social responsibility and service provider's ethics will be introduced.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of OM311
Study of various data analysis techniques, tools for quantitative analysis to help make decision systematically and efficiently, applying quantitative analysis techniques to solve business problem, mathematical modeling, and using computer software to solve business problems via business case studies. Topics include linear programming, integer linear programming, goal programming, queuing theory, project management, decision analysis, game theory, and dynamic programming.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of OM201
Study of concepts and in-depth techniques in planning and controlling the operations of a production unit and/or a service organization, operations planning, forecasting, capacity planning, inventory management, material requirement planning, lean philosophy, and supply chain management in both manufacturing and service context, ethics in industrial management. Delivery of the course: lectures, assigned readings, group discussions, simulation gaming, and term project.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of OM201
Study of basic concepts and theories in technology and innovation management to enable the organization?s strategic destinations, covering stages from fuzzy front-end to strategy execution. This course aims to provide students with different schools of thought, approaches, and techniques on innovative idea generation through group discussions and workshops such as Design Thinking (Stanford, Human-Centred Innovation Workshop Design (UTokyo, and Strategic Roadmapping (Cambridge IfM).
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of OM201
Study of performance measurement system as a tool to translate strategies into actions in order to achieve the desired outcome in both for-profit and non-profit organizations. The topics include the design and implementation of performance measurement system, concept of key performance indicators, Balanced Scorecard, and Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) that helps students to understand and can apply this knowledge for organization to achieve its goals
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of OM201
Study of procurement management process and supply chain management strategy to enhance competitive advantage. Topics include purchase order cycle/process, supplier development, contract management, conflict resolution, procurement KPIs, demand management, cost reduction, negotiation techniques, supplier performance analysis and management, games theory in procurement, supplier relationship management, supply chain management models such as SCOR and GSCF, global sourcing and sustainability in procurement.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of BA401
Study of rationale and necessity in managing project including project life cycle, project planning and control in several dimensions. Techniques such as activity and time scheduling, budget estimation, resource allocation, outcomes and impact evaluation, organization structure, project staff selection, risks assessment, project monitoring and coordinating, and other special issues will be focused. A real world project will be assigned to integrate knowledge for class work.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of OM311
Study of the nature of big data and business analytics, and a practical toolkit on how to perform big data analysis. The aim is to discover different ways to generate business value from big data sets for the purpose of increasing competitiveness in the business context, applying an analytical process that covers all activities from problem formulation to business outcomes. Topics include conceptual framework for business and Big Data analytics, value generation from new technologies, methods and tools for visual analytics, text analytics and predictive analytics, as well as project on the business data set.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of BA204
Study of concepts, benefits, and types of simulation. Steps of using simulation models for helping managers make better decisions under uncertainties. Monte Carlo Method. Data collection. Goodness of fit tests for input distributions. Developing simulation models using computer programs. Model verification. Analyzing and Interpreting simulation results. Model validation. Applications includes investment?s decision making, product development, production and service process improvement, project management, inventory management, supply chain management, and logistics etc.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of OM201
Study of concepts, tools and techniques to improve competency and resilience of business under pressure of global changes and business uncertainties. Topics include operational audit, types of risk, risk strategy, operational riskassessment, operational risk management, business continuity management, as well as corporate social responsibility and good governance.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of OM316
Study of forecasting models for more complicated and dynamic business time series, especially, weekly, daily, and sub-daily data. Forecasting models for hierarchical or grouped time series. Forecasting models for probability of an event happening such as logistic regression. More advanced forecasting models such as non-linear and dynamic regressions, seasonal ARIMA-type forecasting models, state space models for exponential smoothing, and neural network models. R and R-Studio programs for forecasting.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of PO211
Study on relations among capital, business and politics including, the role of state in development and the influence of private sector, domestic and transnational, on political institutions? activities which affect political process and public policy.
Prerequisite: -
Basic principles, project analysis, brokerage, management, valuation, tax, law, investment and finance. Related to the real estate industry as well as subdivision development, surveying land, legal documents and environments
Prerequisite: -
Law & regulation as well as permit procedures in real estate business operations, Analyze law & regulation relevant to the real estate development. Emphasis will be on construction control regulation, prohibit areas and types of buildings and town planning law.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of RB212
Principles on real estate valuation process and methodologies that are suitable for all valuation purposes such as market value for market transaction purposes and for financial loan collateral, forced sales, compulsory acquisition or other special purposes. Title deed, construction, law and regulations or any other related factors analysis to real estate value are also included in the subject.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN201
Goal, Mission, process and strategies in developing a real estate business project, for instance land, residential, office building, shopping center and hotels etc. All aspects of the business component i.e project positioning, risk management, product differentiation and other strategies must be consistent with the financial analysis and company/organization status.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of FN201
Theories and process in business valuation. Using existing financial information and applying to the process of valuing business and stocks. Analyzing different aspects of finance and how to conduct reports. Valuing good will and other business rights.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of RB211
Strategies and the how-to in managing real estate businesses such as office buildings, condominiums, apartments and other residential buildings as well as industrial compounds. Analyze aspects concerning the landlord, managers and lessees. Analyze leasing types, negotiation skills and the conduct of reports in order to achieve highest and best use of the property.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of RB212
The fusibilities of real estate businesses and their process as well as the their impacts. Influential factors in the demand and supply forecast, income and expense forecast, rate of return and their evaluation analysis are also included.
Basic principles of insurance, types of insurance, insurance policy contracts and provisions, risk management and insurance, casualty insurance and life insurance, reinsurance, social insurance, introduction to actuarial science.
Financial System, The Financial Markets, Equity Market, Bond Market, Derivatives Market, International financial markets, Return of an investment, Risk, Information for Decision Making, Security Analysis, Portfolio management, Investment Planning, Equity, Bond Mutual Fund, Unit Trust, Derivatives.
Basics of Interest Theory, Basics of Annuity Theory, Rate of Return of an Investment, Loan Repayment Methods, Application of Interest Theory, Other Interesting Topic.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of ST246 and ST346
Basic principles of actuarial science, survival distributions and life tables, life annuities, net single premium and net level premium for life insurance and life annuity contracts, gross premium, net level premium reserves.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of ST211 or ST216 or ST218 or ST219
Basic rate making, individual risk rating, risk classification, loss reserving, code of professional conduct of actuaries.
Prerequisite: Have earned credits of ST 347
Modified net premium reserves, multiple life functions, multiple decrement models for single life, pension plans and retirement benefits.
Prerequisite: -
Principles and development theories from various schools of thought, global, regional, and national development strategies, social change, social Issues as a result of the development and convergence of dynamics economic, social, political, environmental factors , social transformation as consequences of changes and actions to create changes that lead to sustainable development.
Prerequisite: -
Instillation of social conscience and awareness of one?s role and duties as a good global citizen. This is done through a variety of methods such as lectures, discussion of various case studies and field study outings. Students are required to organise a campaign to raise awareness or bring about change in an area of their interest.
Prerequisite: -
Study of significant phenomena around the world, in the ASEAN region and in Thailand in terms of their political, economic and sociocultural dimensions. This is done through approaches, theories and principles of social science research via discussion and raising examples of situations or people of interest. The purpose of this is to create a perspective of diversity, to understand the complexity of global interrelationships, to build a global mindset and to be able to challenge old paradigms and open up a new, broader worldview.
Prerequisite: -
The course investigates aesthetic and fundamental elements of art and built environment. These include appreciation in value and meaning, analyses and criticisms, and connections to lives and social contexts.
Prerequisite: -
This course provides an introduction to the importance of life-cycle systems perspectives in understanding major challenges and solutions to achieving more sustainable societies in this changing world. Students will learn about the relationship between mankind and the environment in the context of energy and resource use, consumption and development, and environmental constraints.Furthermore, an examination of social conflict and change from the life-cycle perspective will be used to develop an understanding of potential solution pathways for sustainable lifestyle modifications.
Prerequisite: -
Creative thought processes, with critical thinking as an important part, as well as communication of these thoughts that lead to suitable results in social, cultural and environmental contexts, at personal, organisational and social levels
Prerequisite: -
Basic computational thinking skill for solving problems and developing new social and economic opportunities. Efficient access and search for information. Information reliability evaluation. Filtering and managing information systematically. Ethical digital usage and professional online communication.
Prerequisite: -
Risk assessment and creating new opportunities. Thinking and planning as an entrepreneur. Decision making and entrepreneurial venture development. Business communication for delivering concept or initiative in an efficient, effective and compelling manner. Social shared value creation.