The Winning Team of Thailand Accounting Case Competition 2017

Written by Paweenuch Kiattithapanayong and

Pantawat Julasukhon, BBA#23


We, The Crystal, one of the Thammasat?s representatives, had competed in Thailand Accounting Case Competition 2017 organized by Federation of Accounting Professions or FAP. This competition provided the opportunities to all accounting students to participate in the competition by integrating business case with accounting issues. Hence, our team did not hesitate to grab this opportunity. The case was about SCG Solution Business and unlike other cases we have done, the analysis had to be done on both accounting and business aspects. Our team had five members, four of which are accounting-major students and another is finance-major. During case cracking period, we had not only been working as a team to understand the case, identify issues, find out solutions, and prepare the presentation, but we had also learned to know each other, understood how to work as a team and developed many important skills together. It was a tough period of time; however, we had enjoyed and appreciated every moment we spent together as a team. These were the important skills BBA Thammasat wants the students to practice and develop apart from class lecture 


On May 6, after two months of hard work and preparation, we came to the competition day, when we met the other 16 opponents selected out of 79 teams from all over the countries. The competition was divided into 2 rounds, preliminary and final round. Despite the frustration and the fact that the presentation would be conducted in Thai, we advanced to the final round. On the final round we hoped to only do our best to show the full potential of us as BBA Thammasat students. Luckily, we got placed as a winning team for the 1st Thailand Accounting Case Competition.
