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BBA International Program-Thammasat University

KPMG ASEAN Scholarship 2016

Written by Saowanee Maneechotesuwan, BBA#24


The ?KPMG ASEAN Scholarship? is a 3-year scholarship program for first year students, offering 150,000 baht per year from the start of year 2, until graduation. Moreover, the scholarship provides an internship in Bangkok during our Sophomore year and an internship in one of the collaborating ASEAN countries during our Junior year. 


As for this year, candidates have to go through a total of 5 assessment stages: resume screening, a 1-hour computer-based test, submitting a video presentation, group activities and interview and the final face-to-face presentation. For me personally, the most intimidating round was the last presentation, since we got a chance to present in front of the CEO of KPMG. This program started off with a total of 100+ applicants and we eventually received 6 scholars, 3 of which are from BBA International Program, Thammasat Business School, Thammasat University,


1.     Miss Kwankaow Lertsakornsiri

2.     Miss Saowanee Maneechotesuwan

3.     MissWanarat Chiaowareesajja    
