BBA Short Lecture Series #43: Resume and CV Workshop

Written by Chanakan (Will) Charinpanitkul, BBA#23


Following the highly successful event, BBA Career Exposition 2016: Consulting Career, it is certain that the recruiting season for top management consulting firms has come around once again. In order to ensure that students in the program are well-prepared for our first step to the professional world, BBA International program, with support from Ajarn Supawat Likittanawong, held a short lecture under the topic ?Resume and CV Workshop? for 3rd ? 4th year students on August 28, 2016.


The lecture was divided into two sessions. The first session was a lecture on effective resume and cover letter writing for consulting career. The second was a workshop in which we looked through each student?s resume and cover letter together to find rooms for improvement.


In the first session, Ajarn Supawat started by addressing basic concepts in writing a resume for consulting careers. As in all kinds of communication, we need to consider both the reader and the message that we want to convey. The format and visual details should be crafted for the recruiters to effortlessly digest the information. Structured and formal design is the most appropriate style to be used since it conforms to the nature of business. Concerning the message that we want to communicate, we must start by considering what the recruiters are looking for. An effective resume is a resume that can present an applicant as a perfect fit for the position and organization in a concise and truthful way. We then moved on to discussion about cover letters. Ajarn Supawat pointed out that the purpose of cover letters is to preview the highlights in resumes, and that resume and cover letters are different in nature. In short, resumes are factual while cover letters are more interpretive.  Nevertheless, the information in a cover letter must be written succinctly and synchronized with the resume.


After the lecture, we got individual advice on our resumes and cover letters. We could see more clearly mistakes that we had overlooked and how we could improve our resumes to become more informative representation of ourselves.


Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to Ajarn Supawat Likittanawong for such an insightful lecture and advice, and BBA International program for arranging such a beneficial session for us.


Posted on August 29, 2016
