The Winner of Deloitte?s ASEAN Risk Intelligence Challenge 2016

Written by Anuttri Kaewkiew, BBA#22


Looking back at the Titanic disaster of 100 years ago, the story is known worldwide. Why the so-called unsinkable ship had happened to cause tremendous loss in which later found out that this tragedy could have been avoided.


It all became crystal-clear when we put this into a risk perspective. Risk is simply everywhere as no strategy is perfect. Also, for business no matter how big or small, there is an inevitable need for Risk Intelligence as a gateway to real success.


This year, Deloitte?s ASEAN Risk Intelligence Challenge was conceived to bring in representative teams from 5 ASEAN countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand to compete in which to find the best revolutionary ideas equipped with risk management under the concept ?Start-up, Risk and You?.
