UOB-NUS Case Competition 2015

?It?s not about winning and losing, it?s about the experience that we?ve gained?

UOB-NUS Case Competition is a business case competition held by NUS case consulting group. The aim of this competition is to let the students apply the skills that they took up from class into use in the real business world. This year, our team SL Consulting which consists of Papada Sirisukhodom (BBA#21), Chavisa Ratiwat (BBA#21), Oranas Termsedcharoen (BBA#21) and I Onvara Sripurijanya (BBA#22) was selected to represent BBA Thammasat at NUSCASE2015 from 7-12 September 2015 in Singapore.

In terms of competition-wise, 16 teams from all across the globe were invited to take up these challenges without knowing anything about the case format. This unannounced case format differentiates NUSCASE from other case competitions and makes the competition even more challenging to us. After much anticipation, this year case was a 31 hours case, teams are required to do 2 cases within this limited time span. The cases for this year were Novelsys (Case A) and Bath & Body Wash (Case B).

Moreover the judging process is very unique as for the first case (Case A) 16 team were divided into 8 divisions on a random basis and competed on a ?Knock Out Challenge?. Each team was required to question each another after the presentation. Only the winner from each division then proceed to the presentation of Case B. In this round of presentation, the knocked out teams were required to be a student judge together with the company judge we need to vote for our favorite team to proceed to the final round and the team that came to the top and manage to win over is QUT. Even though we did not make it to the final round, the competition gave us a lot of experience and good learning curve for us.

Last but not least in terms of social-activity, the committee has put up a beach activity for all the participants to interact through many game-bonding and ice-breaking activities at the Sentosa beach. The night ended with a networking session where all teams got a chance to socialize with others.

This wouldn?t happen without the greatest support from BBA Thammasat, Ajarn Supawat Likittanawong, Dr. Worapong Janyangyuen, our awesome team advisor and all the advisors, friends and family and lastly the NUSCASE2015 committee for this unforgettable learning experience!


Written By Onvara Sripurijanya, BBA#22


Posted date: September 21, 2015 ? 05:55 p.m.


