Maybank GoAhead Challenge 2015

?Go Ahead Challenge..It?s more than a Challenge? 


What sounds like a mainstream slogan from a business case competition is indeed a solid testament of my whole experience at Maybank Go Ahead Challenge 2015. It did indeed change my life. 


This journey of mine started off humbly. I decided to give it a shot with what seems like ?one-of-a-kind? competition that combines business game, amazing race and reality TV show together. After I took the online assessment, I was invited to join the campus level at Thammasat. If I have to describe my first feeling at this competition, it has to be no other word but ?Unexpected?. We were placed into random team to compete on unexpected tasks, which ranged from Sumo soccer to creating a banking system in medieval age. From almost 120 people in 2 campus levels, around 60 made it to the national level. At that time, I was thrilled by the surprise this competition has yet to reveal. I was ready for anything but did not expect anything. Come back to look at it, this small thought I had was actually the very thought that gave me the chance to be one of the Global Top Ten.


National level upheld its legacy of expect the unexpected mightily. Over the course of one day, we all got the chance to lobby one of the toughest government and represent some of the most controversial industries in the world, to teaming up in shooting simulation game on Oculus gear. With all these non-mainstream challenges, I found myself enjoying it so much. Each task was fun yet physically and mentally challenging. One of the tips I learnt to this point is ?Never lose your smile?. Be ready for anything they challenge you. In the end, do not forget this is a game, a game that test you who you really are. I can?t lie that there were certain point in the competition that was deliberately designed to break someone down. It came down to who can keep it cool and professional until the end. They want to see the real you.


It came to be as a big surprise when I realized I will be representing Thailand and BBA Thammasat in 12-day Global Round in Malaysia. If this was like other competition, I would have some clue of what to practice and prepare. But for this, I was blind. I mentioned how MGAC (Maybank Go Ahead Challenge) was physically and mentally challenging, time that by 12 and we get the level of Global Round. 60 finalists around the world were arranged into 10 teams of 6. Each team being assigned into a company in which we all had specific role in the company and every actions we did affect our company stock price (we even had our business card for this company!) Throughout 12 days, we played the role in the company and interact with other companies, with the press, with investor or even with our own board of director (which in the end we realized are actual C-suites and BOD of Maybank!) Everything in the competition was organic. The concept of ?expecting the unexpected? was even stronger every day. One random night at 3 am in the morning after presentation submission, we were informed that we will have to fly to Indonesia to meet out investor. And there it was, we packed for 30 minutes and flew straight to Jarkatar!!


One of the most significant feature of this competition is how each candidate is evaluated. It is not solely about how smart, how well they speak or how accurate one can valuate a company. It is about character! We were being evaluated all the time, days and nights. Only the one that can stay poised and professional throughout any obstacle; regardless physical, problem solving, mental or emotional obstacle got through the next round. Top performers were being narrowed down every 2 days; from 60 to 30, from 30 to 20, 20 to 10, 10 to 6 and to 3. And of course to 1. 


From my point of view, getting the chance to join these 60 talented people was already a winning goal for me. I was proud of myself in getting through each task, every sleepless night, every tough presentations, every mud I dig, every mile I ran, that was already a reward for me. I get the chance to challenge myself. The chance to prove what make up of me. But most important of all, I got to build one of the most meaningful networks with great minds around the world who share the same pain and joy. For me, we are all winners and our lives have been shaped to the better by our unique experience at Maybank Go Ahead Challenge. 



Written By Hathaipatr Chirapathama, BBA#21



Posted date: September 9, 2015 ? 03:29 p.m.
