Winner 2015 Deloitte Thailand Business Challenge : Risk Intelligence Debate Competition (Regional Round)


Written By Waratta Wuttisarn, BBA#23

As a result of winning the 2015 Deloitte Thailand Business Challenge: Risk Intelligence Debate Competition during April 24th to April 25th, 2015, our original team which consists of Doldej Schuett (BE Thammasat), Veerasin Nguiakaramahawong (LLB Thammasat) and I, Waratta Wuttisarn (BBA Thammasat) together with Akash Nanik Mirchandani (BBA MUIC) who was awarded the best speaker of the competition represented Thailand for the Deloitte ASEAN Risk Intelligence Challenge 2015, organized by Deloitte Malaysia. The event took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from May 8th to May 9th, 2015.

On the first day of the competition, the training day, all representative teams from Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand got to know each other through a networking activity called Risk Lab. During this activity, the teams were broken into 4 risk consulting teams which consisted of 4 members, one from each country. Each individual in each risk consulting team represented a specific role; CFO (Chief Finance Officer), CRO (Chief Risk Officer), CIO (Chief IT Officer) or COO (Chief Operation Officer) and researched on risks of the education industry in each member?s specific area in order to assess impacts of those risks on businesses and perform a risk mitigation plan. After brainstorming and working on risk assessment and mitigation plan, all risk consulting teams presented their own plan to professional judges who have not less than 15 years? working experience in each particular field that we were assigned to study on. Therefore, the judges gave us many beneficial advices and broaden our mind about risk management in the real business world. The Risk Lab brought us through a facilitated experience to gain a deeper understanding of various risks associated throughout business lifecycle.

On the second day of the competition, the case presentation and debate competition day, after working on Free Flow of Investment, one of core elements in the AEC agenda, our team as respective stakeholders tried our best to convince the judges who were considered as the AEC committee to accept our investment plan by presenting interesting facts and trends in AEC and assuring them a long-term benefit of present and future generation through confidently answering questions and reliable references. With our great effort, our team proceeded to the final round against team from Malaysia. For the final round, we debated on the motion ?Is it possible to eliminate all investment-related issues by 2020??. During the debate, our team members made such impressive and distinctive speeches that catch audience?s attention and utilised most out of up-to-dated backups researched within an hour of preparation.

Finally, our team was awarded the champion of the competition in the ASEAN round. Most significantly, I gained so many experiences from cooperating with both my teammates and other teams? members who have different expertises and cultures as well as making a good friendship with them. Even though the competition was ended, I do believe that this is the ending of the first chapter that will be followed by the beginning of a new challenging chapter waiting for me to experience. Therefore, do not hesitate to grab opportunities that pass by and think of those challenges as lessons that will never be found again if you miss it. Lastly, I would like to thank you my   family and friend for such a great support, all teachers for encouraging me and all students to explore the real business world and also BBA office for always providing good event information through all the channels so that the students will not miss those priceless opportunities.



Posted date: September 2, 2015 ? 11:10 a.m.
