BBA #24 Orientation Activities ? Art & Cultural Activity

On June 9-10, as a part of BBA orientation, BBA#24 students participated in an activity called ?art and cultural activity?

In the morning, BBA#24 students gathered at the university, preparing to take off. We were divided into 10 groups. Each group would have a plus one?a senior from BBA#23 to guide them through. Each student would be given with 300 baht cash and a map. These 2 parts of the activity taught us about management and planning. We had to decide how much money we were going to spend, where we would go first or last, what type of transportation we would take and also we had to learn to be a team player because one student can not complete the activity on their own. While participating the activity, we got a chance to see many historic sites around Rattanakosin Island such as the golden mountain, democracy monument and Wat Phra Keaw. All of which are so enchanting and full with long told story. There were 7 activity booths we had to participate. Each of which taught us about the history of that particular place and also gave us a better understanding of our Thai culture. The activity, itself, also served an ice-breaking activity giving the students a chance to make new friends and develop those friendship through games and activities. Not only that we got closer to our friends but we also got closer to the seniors. The seniors provided us many valuable pieces of information about the university life which made us well-aware of that we were about to face. I strongly believe that these skills and knowledge we have received on these two days would be very useful in the future.

All in all, on behalf of BBA#24 students, I would like to thank all the BBA staff and BBA#23 for making such a fun yet knowledgable activity happen. We really had a great time.

Written by Chanagun Sillapaouychai, BBA#24

Posted date: June 30, 2015 ? 12:17 Hrs.

