Second Runner Up at Chulalongkorn International Business Case Competition

Written by Chavisa Ratiwat (BBA#21)

Chulalongkorn International Business Case Competition (CIBCC) was held between 19th - 24th May 2015, on Koh Samui by students of Chulalongkorn University. Among top universities around the world, Thammasat University was invited to compete in the case competition; the team representing Thammasat University includes Pakapol (BBA#21), Chavisa (BBA#21), Nontakarn (BBA#22), and Tanat (BBA#22).

Before the actual competition started, we have attended many fun social activities by the beautiful Chaweng Beach on Koh Samui. The activities have not only showcase our Thai culture to foreign participants through releasing lanterns and recreating Songkran festivals, but it also introduces us to new friends and strengthens the bond we have built, especially with Chulalongkorn University.

