Australian Undergraduate Business Case Competition

Written By Nichamon Asvaraksha, BBA#20

The Australian Undergraduate Business Case Competition (AUBCC) is a collaborative event between three Australian universities: Queensland University of Technology, University of New South Wales, and University of Melbourne. One of the key distinctions of this competition is that each year one of the universities will be the main officially host, thus the different venues each year. AUBCC 2014 was the first year of this exciting event rotation hosted at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, and BBA, Thammasat had the honor to be invited to be part of the event as well. This event was attended by Wasin Sriauthai (BBA 20), Nichamon Asvaraksha(BBA 20), Pakapol Thangtongshin (BBA 21), Siwawong Wongsophanakul(BBA 22) and accompanied by our advisor Dr. Nopporn Ruangwanit.


What makes this competition different and exciting is the fact that everyone is new to it. A lot of times, with all the uncontained excitement, us case club students would ask seniors how their experience was like at previous case competitions. This was not the case. We had no one to ask. And addition to the fact that it will be all new, it was even more half exciting and half nerve wrecking to hear that the competition format will remain unannounced until the commencement of the event in Brisbane.


