BBA Thammasat students won 2nd place at McGill Management International Case Competition

On the 16th of March 2014, I was given an opportunity to represent Thammasat University as a participant in McGill Management International Case Competition hosted by McGill University, Montreal, Canada. The event spanned over a period of 8 days, from March 16th to March 23rd. Our team was consisted of Yada Piyajomkwan (BBA#19), Kasama Jatejarungwong (BBA#19), Nopphadet Tayarachakul (BBA#19) and I, Wasin Sriauthai (BBA#20).

The first impression that I had from the competition was a very warm welcome from my team?s ambassador, Laura, as well as Emilien, who was originally an ambassador for the international team. Throughout the whole week, I had a chance to attend many activities arranged by the committees. The activities ranged from dinners, karaoke night, scavenger hunt to the exciting snow tubing and many more. All of which opened up an invaluable opportunity for me to both enjoy myself and create a bond of friendship with participants who came from renowned universities from all around the world.

The competition itself was also very fulfilling. Although there were some unexpected situations, my teammates and I did try our best to put forth our best performance and tackled any challenges presented to us. It was both to prove ourselves and ensure that Thammasat University quality would be delivered to the eyes of an audience from international community.

As much as I appreciate our coming up as the first runner-up, I think the more important things were the great experience that I got from working hard, the lifetime friendship that I made as well as the show of trust which was given to me and my teammates by my friends and my advisors to represent my university. Although the event is now ever, I believe that all the good memories that happened at MMICC will forever remain with me. Finally, I would like express my gratitude toward everyone who supported us, without such, this success would have never materialized.

Written by Wasin Sriauthai (BBA#20)

Posted date: April 10, 2014 ? 11:54 Hrs.
