Field Trip HO321 New Venture Creation and Entrepreneurship

On Saturday 22, April our class had the opportunity to visit Premier Group as part of New Venture and Entrepreneurship course activity. Khun Duangthip Eamrungroj, Premier?s Executive Director, personally came to give us a lecture on Social Entrepreneurship.

We learnt about the double bottomline and the need to managing profit and social aspects of the business. Balancing between maximising value creation and value appropriation to create sustainability both for the company and for other stakeholders. In addition to this, we also learnt the concept of 3 pillars for Harmonious alignment of success. A company must take care of more than just organisation to ensure that it is running well, but also, its employee and society.

Social Entrepreneurship is not just engaging in Corporate Social Responsibility activities. It is, as khun Duangthip put it, ?Making money while also doing something good for the community.? And Premier is doing exactly that. With two big running projects, Premier is doing its part to help the society.
