Champions Trophy Case Competition 2014

Written by Malin Surinphaiboon (BBA#19)

During the period of 26th Jan - 2nd Feb 2014, the BBA program of Thammasat University was honored to send a team representative of Thailand consisting of Malin (BBA#19), Vibhu and Wasin (BBA#20), Hathaipatr (BBA#21), to participate in Champions Trophy Case Competition 2014 which was the case competition that will have only the winners from other international case competitions, hosted by University of Auckland, New Zealand.

The competition was filled with extensive social events, team building activities, and adventures! The activities include Icebreaker Race, and International Food Night, which aimed for everyone to get to know each other, share different cultures, and establish long-lasting networks and friendships. In addition, the team members had to choose one of the adventures that we wanted to do. We all chose bungee jumping of the Auckland Bridge! After having enjoyed all these fun moments, it was time for three 5-uninterupted-hour of case cracking. The first case was about a non-profit organization called ChildFund. It was a very successful organization, yet facing challenge of income sustainability given the aging sponsor base. The second case was about an SME called Fresh Cut Flower Wholesalers. The business is New Zealand?s largest fresh floral wholesaler; however, given a fierce competition in the flower wholesaling market and low customer loyalty, FCFW faced the challenge of maintaining its leadership position. The third case was about an online market place for auction and retailing of goods called Trade Me. The company has experienced consistent and strong growth over the past few years. However, with the intensified competition, the company would like to defend its domestic market share and continue to grow. After the five hours, we delivered a presentation to two different panels of judges consisting of industry experts, practitioners and management team. Although the result was not what we expected, we have learned so much from the experience.

All in all, by participating in this competition, not only that we have developed ourselves intellectually, exposed ourselves to different cultures, but also gained lifelong networks of friends. All of this would not be possible without the support from BBA program, thus we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the BBA program for the support.

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Posted date: February 17, 2014
