China Youth Winter Camp 2013

Written by Kasama Jatejarungwong, BBA# 19


"The last two weeks of 2013, 16th-30th of December, I had a privilege to participate in China Youth Winter Camp 2013 at Wuhan, Hubei province. The event was hosted and sponsored by Central China Normal University (CCNU); one of the most prestigious universities in China for Chinese language study. Overseas Chinese descendants from various parts of the world came together; namely, Panama, Japan, Indonesia, and Thailand.


This year?s Youth Winter Camp was under a theme of ?Learning Chinese Language with a Taste of Chinese Culture?, however, the experience gained was so much more. For the duration of two weeks, we did not only study Chinese language, but also had a chance to learn about Chinese Kungfu, the art of Chinese paper cutting, how to make gorgeous Chinese knots or even Chinese calligraphy. All of which would be difficult, if not impossible, to experience anywhere in Thailand.


In addition to academic learning, we visited Wuhan?s most famous attractions such as the Yellow Crane Tower and Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge. As if it was not generous enough, we also had a chance to travel to nearby cities and various sightseeing locations including the Three Gorges Dam; the largest power station in the world.
