Ernst and Young Singapore company Visit

Written by Poonsak Sinthawat, Accounting Major, BBA20

Imagine a world without police who are there to arrest the criminals. Or imagine a world without proctors whose responsibilities ensure the absence of dishonesty. Unquestionably, the world would definitely not be a place where you would anticipate living in.  As prestigious as it could get, the realization of importance in these people has brought about many reasons why this world is, still, an ideal place to live in. Similarly, in the beings of today?s businesses which involve considerable stakeholders, auditors are there, acting as the police to detect any crimes committed by the criminals under white collars.


As one of fortunate accounting students, I attended a training station provided by Ernst and Young Thailand whose prime objectives are to depict the work of auditors and to provide hands-on experiences for future auditors on what and how they actually perform their work. After this one-day training station, the committee?s generosity goes beyond that as they further provided 6 eligible students from both Thammasat University and Chulalongkorn University a prestigious opportunity to join the business trip and visit Ernst and Young Company in Singapore. The duration takes place from October 14th to 16th, 2013.


 Taking part in this Singapore trip has not only equipped me with memorable experiences from both delicacy of authentic Singaporean dishes massively provided in a day and the great excitement from visiting several tourist attractions, Ernst and Young did not neglect to inject me a vaccine of precious lessons. They allowed us to actively learn through the fun and excitement. We were assigned to come up with the risks inherent to three different business settings including Marina Bay Sands Hotel, Night Safari and Universal Studio. Furthermore, we pragmatically applied our existing audit knowledge to come up with the feasible internal controls and substantive procedures to mitigate those risks. Moreover, our self-development was even further enhanced since our trainers gently provided us the comments and guidance upon our discovery and further induced our cognitive thinking through other potential dimensions we have not thought about.

