BBA Thammasat Team @ HSBC Asia Pacific Case Competition

Written by Pimtida Nampitch, BBA#19


During June 4th ? 7th 2013, our team consisted of 4 members which are Pimtida (BBA#19), Chavisa and Wasin (BBA#20), Pakapol (BBA#21) were selected to represent Thammasat University BBA Program in the HSBC Asia Pacific Case Competition 2013, hosted by HSBC Bank, University of Hong Kong and ACRC Asia Case Research Centre.


This competition was aimed to bring together students and faculty from top universities around Hong Kong as well as top business schools from all over Asia-Pacific to compete against each other in a business strategic-making and presentation. It also allowed Asia?s most talented students to experience Hong Kong?s unique international culture with the support from the sole sponsor HSBC to give out the cash prizes of over HK$60,000 for the winning team.


After we arrived in Hong Kong on June 4th 2013, we received a warm welcoming dinner which allowed we us to meet new friends from 24 different Universities around Asia-Pacific. The competition rules and divisions were also announced. There would be 4 rounds with 4 different cases for each round. We were all very excited and ready to get started!
