BBA#22 Orientation Activities ? Excel Workshop

BBA International Program would like to inform you regarding the Excel workshop.  There are two sessions for Excel workshop.  The details are described below:  


Session I: Decision Making with Excel


The logical functions in Microsoft Excel can help solve many problems and are used very often in modern spreadsheets. With the logical functions such as IF, AND, OR, NOT you are able to evaluate any defined conditions based on a set of criteria. Let?s say you want to know which of the salesperson should receive a bonus or which employee should be promoted, or for example, you want to know what grade you should receive based on your accumulated raw score, or whether or not you have paid your bills.


If you have paid then you can:


1. Deduct the amount from the money you have left to spend or

2. If it has not been paid then keep it on your debt list.


The IF function in Excel enables you to do that as it allows you to test for more than one value. What if you want to give an employee a conveyance allowance and you wish to do so based not only on his/her salary but also on their position in the company. This can be achieved using NESTED IF?s (multiple IF?s), along with AND function, and OR function. The logical functions are very versatile, once you learn how to use them, you will think of many, many places to use them, allowing you new opportunities to develop your workbooks.


Session II: Analyzing Data and Making Smart Decisions


Assume that you are doing market research about Volvo Station Wagons. You need to determine what factors influence the likelihood that a family will purchase a station wagon. From information in a large sample of families, you know the family size (large or small) and the family income (high or low). How can you determine how family size and income influence the likelihood that a family will purchase a station wagon?


In numerous business situations, you need to analyze, or ?slice and dice,? your data to gain important insights. Imagine that you sell different grocery products in different stores at different points in time. You might have hundreds of thousands of data points to track. PivotTables let you quickly summarize your data in almost any way imaginable. For example, for your grocery store data, you could use a PivotTable to quickly determine the following:

■ Amount spent per year in each store on each product

■ Total spending at each store

■ Total spending for each year


In a travel agency, as another example, you might slice data so that you can determine whether the average amount spent on travel is influenced by age or gender or by both factors. In analyzing automobile purchases, you?d like to compare the fraction of large families that buy a station wagon to the fraction of small families that purchase a station wagon.


The schedule for the two workshops is stated below:





Dress code

June 7, 2013

09:00 a.m. ? 04:00 p.m.

TBS #408

Group A

TU student uniform

June 11, 2013

09:00 a.m. ? 04:00 p.m.

TBS #408

Group B

TU student uniform

June 13, 2013

09:00 a.m. ? 04:00 p.m.

TBS #408

Group D

TU student uniform

June 14, 2013

09:00 a.m. ? 04:00 p.m.

TBS #408

Group C

TU student uniform


Should you need more information, please contact the Program at 02-225-2113 or


Posted date: May 21, 2013 ? 13:55 Hrs.
