Math Placement Test & Thai Placement Test -- Schedule Revision for Placement Tests

Due to the fact that the event schedule of 2013 Thammasat Business School Orientation is revised from a half-day event to a full-day event, the placement tests that are previously scheduled in the afternoon of May 22, 2013 will be rescheduled to the morning of May 21, 2013.  The details of the placement tests are as follows:


Date:               May 21, 2013

Time:              09:00 a.m. ? 12:00 noon

Venue:            TBS #201, 205, 206, and 207

[Student ID. No. 56-0012 ? 56-0301 at TBS #207]

[Student ID. No. 56-0319 ? 56-0616 at TBS #206]

[Student ID. No. 56-0624 ? 56-0913 at TBS #205]

[Student ID. No. 56-0921 ? 56-1598 at TBS #201]

Dress code:      TU student uniform


Should you need more information, please contact the Program at 02-225-2113 or


Note: Please bring 2B pencil to the exam.


Posted date: May 7, 2013 ? 15:05 Hrs., Revised#1: May 17, 2013 - 10:40 Hrs.
