Microsoft Thailand Internship Opportunities

January 29th, 2013, Microsoft recruiting team visited BBA Thammasat introducing Microsoft?s internship opportunities for 3rd and 4th year students.  The internship serves as a prelude to the MACH (Microsoft Academy for College Hires) program, an accelerated route for young ?Microsofties? with less than five years work experience. Throughout this program, one will be able to nurture professional growth and acquire global community network.


Microsoft?s expertise in numerous technological business fields enables the company to customize anyone?s career path. With this internship, one will receive an early training to accelerate and realize the full potential. Thus, exploring and cultivating the tools and knowledge to steer their long-term career. Furthermore, with over 2,500 MACH employees in over 60 countries worldwide, one can gain a network to a global community of peers, leadership exposure, and the opportunity to take on challenging work.
