Ernst & Young Training Station: Singapore Visit

Written by Pimvaree Markchaeng (Ice), BBA#19


For most accounting students, starting off their career as an auditor is probably the most sensible choice. Nevertheless, many of the students may still question what do auditors exactly do, and what audit work actually involves. To answer these questions, Ernst & Young Thailand has organized the Ernst & Young Training station, which provides students the hands on experience on what the auditors? work usually involve. After the training stations, the committee selected six students from Thammasat University and eight students from Chulalongkorn University to join the business trip to Ernst & Young Singapore during October 24 - 26, 2012.


At Ernst & Young Singapore office, it was our honor to be welcomed by Mr. Mak Keat Meng, the head of assurance services for Singapore and ASEAN subarea. Mr. Meng introduced us the qualities that a good auditor should have, due to the changing in expectations of the profession, as well as the challenges in the audit work. He noted that ?the skill of an auditor is not so much in reading the books but more about reading people.? That is, a good auditor does not only need to be specialized in auditing, but must also practice other skills such as communication skills as well. In addition, a senior auditor of Ernst & Young Singapore also shared us her experiences of being an auditor, and what she had encountered during her career.
