Intercamp#8 @ Sangkhlaburi,Kanchanaburi

Written by Wichapon Chantakaiwat, BBA#19


Imagine yourself living in a place where there is no highrise buildings, no cell phone signal, no traffic jam, no luxurious restaurants, no internet, no facebook? Fifty lives headed to the mysterious village in Kanchanaburi, known as ?Pra-Rai-Nhok?.  They were chosen to do something good for the community, but they do not know what it is.


Intercamp is a voluntary camp for any Thammasat student from any faculty in Tha Prachan Campus.  Our main purpose is to develop an uncivilized village in the rural area by doing various things from constructing a building for the school to teaching local kids academic subjects.  Moreover, we expect our campers to make a good friendship among themselves and with the local people.  They also need to live without convenience like villagers by having poor condition bathroom and eating local food.  They are not only building something for the village, but also learning new skills such as growing local crops, cooking food, etc.  This is the 8th annual Intercamp. We have five students from BBA participating and they are here to share their experience of a lifetime?
