Internship Program @ Mae Fah Luang Foundation, Doi Tung

Written by Nuntanut Techamahachai, BBA#17


?Great things come from small beginnings. A gentle ripple starts from a single drop; that wave ever expanding, with no end in sight begins from one small point, our own self?? Before coming to Doi Tung, I?ve heard so much from my seniors and from a friend of mine about how impressive the internship program is but I myself couldn?t imagine it until I get to experience it. I have never ever expected before how tremendous change would be brought about to my life upon my decision to join an internship program with Mae Fah Luang Foundation, but this is true with the past 2 memorable months of internship period I spent at Doi Tung. Not only have I learnt how to work among people with diverse culture and background, more importantly I?ve learnt how to live a simple life and be happy with that. A simple life which goes in line with His Majesty the King?s teaching of sufficiency, a simple life that you know what you?ve been doing will bring about positibe change to the society, a simple yet meaningful life..
