BBA Good Rider Mission#7: Build a Firebreaks and temporary dam at Kanchanaburi

Written by Paveena Pathela, BBA#16


BBA is celebrating its 20th Anniversary announcing its greatness with good deeds. So far, the 7th mission, this one is aim to aid a small community in Kanchanaburi Province by building firebreaks and temporary dam.  Kanchanaburi is known for its extreme heat during summer causing a lot of problem to the community such as wildfire and drought.


The wheels started spinning at 7am taking us straight to Kanchanaburi. Over 30 people consisting of BBA current students, Alumni, and BBA staff were eager to see the situation that local community and were ready to contribute physically to at least alleviate those issues.


After some refreshments and changing into proper gears, we were ready to go.  We set off to our first site, not further away from the village. We started by building firebreaks.  Each was given different tools: hoes, harrows, and brooms.  What we were required to do was to sweep all the dry leaves to create a bear-soil path up the hill.  This path is meant to stop the wildfire, if it was going to occur, by eliminating the inflammable leaves off the path.  Despite the heat, we all were too determined to make sure that the path was clean and cleared of leaves or any material that can cause the fire.  Time went by so fast, and there we were finding our way back to the village to have some lunch.
