BBA#13 Business Simulation Game

By Maew, Nu, Dai, Sai, Kit, Save & Mark - Group C


?Beep Beep Beep Beep?, the alarm clock rang continuously. It was 5.30am on Tuesday morning when we (the group) had to get up and got ready for the 1st business game simulation, which was hold at Cape Racha Hotel in Chonburi. 5.30am wasn?t the most enjoyable time to get up, especially when you slept at 4am after a heavy night out. Anyway we somehow managed to get up, dragging others and ourselves out of bed. We got to the university at 6.30am, get on the bus promptly and off we went.


The purpose for this trip was for us to learn how to manage a near real business scenario. This is relatively similar to the business game that we all have done at the orientation in freshmen year, if you could recall. But this time more factors were involved and obviously a lot more challenging.


We got to the hotel at roughly about 9am, which is a lot earlier than schedule. After a little break, we then move ourselves into the meeting room where we all separated into a self organize groups. Each group consists of 7 people and each must have at least 1 person from each major. This was rather hard to do as very little people from accounting major came. After that was done we were brief with the instruction of how the simulation will be run and soon after its kick-off time.
