BBA Short Lecture Series#16 - Breakthrough Communication with Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Written by Pabhawin Srisinsuphya, BBA#19


NLP, Neurolinguistic Programming, is the use of language and senses to program the human mind in order to achieve a desired goal. Breakthrough Communication with Neurolinguistic Programing with Khun Piyanut Sangpattarachai, a NLP Practitioner, gave us a very valuable knowledge and workshop in which it could be used to explain situation in our daily life. He is quite friendly in which it make us feel comfortable to have the willingness to participate on the lesson he were about to teach and want us to interact in. We were taught to observe people eyes? pattern and body expression to understand people behavior, which is quite true and interesting. We learned the techniques of rapport, distorting painful past experience, language usage that shows our and others personality, and more.
