BBA Short Lecture Series#15 - How to get into the best master\'s degree programs

Written by Apinya Assavasrisilp

Pranitee Suriyaprapadilok

BBA Class of 2010 (BBA#15)


In a very warm afternoon of Monday 26th March, we, the current students and a few alumni (who skipped work), were brought back to the university by a useful session with Ajarn Bancha. Rather than a simple, informative session, Ajarn Bancha started up with a clip from youtube explaining how to get into Harvard Business School, (we wished we could get into the school if we followed those practices!). Ajarn raised a question asking whether we should direct to school or work first. To get an answer, we need to ask ourselves 'what is our goal?'. If we cannot answer, getting a job (or a few jobs) might be a way to find the answer.

Then, Ajarn Bancha continued with several examples of candidate profiles - pointing what combined characteristics are preferable. The consultant is definitely at advantage, but new grads also have a choice. A power couple could also get into a top school together! Not only we know what we could do to build up a nice profile, but we, alumni, also get some hope up as well.  After that, Ajarn shared the tips to write a perfect resume. Hobbies and a fun side of us should and actually recommended to be added in the resume! This is some of tips to make our profiles stand out among piles of them.
