BBA Thammasat -- The success recipe for my McKinsey journey

By Anak Tangtatswas

Consultant (BA), McKinsey & Company

BBA Class of 2010


Napoleon once said ?an army marches on its stomach.? This statement came to my mind when I reflected back and realized how much of my success today at McKinsey comes from the huge intake of invaluable knowledge nuggets constantly churned from the great success recipe at BBA TU.


If we say BBA is a river full of knowledge nuggets, students here have the chance not only to enjoy the great taste of friendship, but also to nourish themselves for the battle ahead in the corporate world. The knowledge you could indulge in is diverse and comes in different forms. To give you the feel of this infinite pool of knowledge, let me give you an example of 4 key knowledge nuggets that have nourished me to thrive as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company. 


The first nugget is business foundation.  As a management consultant, I have to identify the high impact areas within the complex problems that the clients have and systematically solve them. Through the great mix of theory and cases revolving around all core business functions, BBA has prepared me with the strong foundation to understand the drivers behind businesses, something practical beyond the complex financial formula and accounting numbers in textbooks. Moreover, the exchange program and international environment also broadened my perspective and sharpened my business acumen to tackle business problems.
