PTTChem shows its support and make generous contribution to TUBC

This year, Thammasat Undergraduate Business Challenge 2007 (TUBC) had drawn much participants from various corners of the world including 4 continents and 7 different countries. TUBC had been gaining more international recognition and had received favorable response from top-tier business schools around the world.

PTT Chemical Public Company Limited had generously contributed Bt500,000 to the TUBC Committee to help funding the event. Being a knowledge and innovative driven organization, PTT Chem saw TUBC as a great opportunity to help foster educational development and at the same time being a showcase for students from various business disciplines to showcase their creativity and innovativeness to solve real life business problems.

TUBC Committee would like to express our heartfelt gratitude towards PTT Chem for being a crucial element towards our success. We certainly hope that TUBC will be a unique event that broaden public recognition on the company?s core values of its business fundamentals and also accomplishing our common objectives.

TUBC Committee

For more information,


Posted date: August 3, 2007 ? 09:00 hrs.
