BBA#13 Graduation Orientation

Graduation Orientation 2007: Preparation Towards the Future


By Chutida Phichaiphrome, BBA#13


As four years of study begin to come to an end, the developed routine of coming to class and studying for exams may be difficult to break. Entering the workforce and venturing into the ?real world? may seem foreign to many of the BBA 13?s, thus, a Graduation Orientation was organized by the BBA Program to help guide the soon to be Class of 2008 through the requirements and various aspects of the professional world.


The orientation, held at The Dusit Thani on Thursday July 19, began by addressing one of the key aspects of the job application process: the resumé. BBA Alumni Mr. Piyasak Ukritnukun walked the seniors through the key success factors that make up a successful and attractive resumé. Next, the seniors had a chance to meet and research about various prospective jobs through a company exhibition held at the orientation.

