BBA Thammasat ? Second Place at Champions Trophy Case Competition, New Zealand

Written by:

Tatporn Sangkavasi, Vatanya Mahatarntip

Jinjutha Na Srito, Vacharish Chanasit



On February 5th 2012, our team of four BBA 17 students consisting of Tatporn (Suey), Vatanya (Euy), Jinjutha (Jinny), and Vacharish (Job) waited anxiously at the Royal Yachts Squadron for the announcements of the awards for the University of Auckland?s Champion?s Trophy Case Competition. After what felt like particular lengthy addresses by the judges, organizing committee, and the dean of the business school, the results were announced: BBA Thammasat was pronounced the 1st runner up of the Champions Trophy. As the four of us walked onto the stage to be presented with our trophy, we knew in our hearts that the journey to that moment of glory was not an easy one. 

The Champions Trophy is one of the most unique competitions in the world as it only invites universities that achieved top placing in other competitions throughout the year to find the ?Champion of Champions?. Teams were divided into 4 divisions in the preliminary rounds, given two computers, no Internet access, and a mere five hours to crack a case. Before being able to advance to the finals, teams had to analyze three different cases and present solutions to a panel of prominent business judges. After each presentation, teams would be ranked in their division. The team that had the best rankings out of the three days would be able to advance to compete in the final round where another case would be have to be cracked.
