BBA Star Search 2012

By Kobi Boonbanjerdsri, BBA#20


I could write all about what Star Search is, what we had to do, and why we decided to do it; but let?s face it, you probably wouldn?t get past this first sentence without falling asleep. Instead, I will tell you exactly what made it so memorable and why it was such a great opportunity. We were given the case the Thursday before the presentation. Unfortunately, because we felt we had all the time in the world, our group more or less dwindled the rest of the day away going off topic from friendships to rock and roll. Yes, we had pretty much got nowhere. To make matters worse, it seemed as if every other group had already completed creating intricate PowerPoint?s with detailed recommendations. On the other hand, our work consisted of a few scribbled down cartoons and multiple blank slides. I can honestly say real substance did not emerge from our group until almost midnight on Friday; however, once we got on track, ideas started to flow and our PowerPoint grew from blanks sides to recommendations that consisted of ?Tootsietopia? and a ?take over HK? plan that ultimately didn?t make any sense at all. To highlights on where many of our inspirations derived from, I can say without shame, a lot came from ?I like big butts? dancing at midnight, a 2am food run to McDonalds for Joke Gai, and BJ?s Youtube videos skills that really had on relevance at all. Anyways, before we knew it, it was a little past 4am and our once bright eyes now closely resembled the eyes of Lin Ping (the panda).
