Confirmation of Class Resumption on November 21, 2011

Dear All BBA Students,


The BBA International Program would like to inform you the followings:


1. The Program would like to confirm that all classes are resumed on November 21, 2011.  All the make-up classes are scheduled.  The information regarding class schedule and modifications in the course policies are posted in the course fact sheet. 


If you are severly affected by the flood and may not be able to attend classes after class resumption, please let us know by filling in the questionnaire below and click reply to this email before November 18, 2011.  Please do contact the course instructors to inform them and ask for their kind considerations.  The instructors might assign more works to compensate for in-class participation if it is necessary.    


Please reply to this email and specify the followings:

(This is ONLY for the students who cannot attend the classes after the class resumption due to the flood.)







2. We are still in need of volunteers to record vdo or audio clips for all the sessions in all courses.  This is to assist the students who cannot attend the classes due to the flood or schedule conflicts.  The Program does not have recording equipment since there are several classes in one time slot.  That's why we ask for the volunteers who have the recording equipment.  If you would like to volunteer, please inform P' Ray at!/groups/152962358109155/docs/  


3. Revised registration schedule is posted in the BBA website  Please get yourself ready for the registration process.   


Should you need more information, please contact BBA Office.  We resume our normal operations since November 7, 2011. 


Posted date: November 16, 2011 - 10:45 hrs.

