BBA#20 Orientation Activities -- A smooth Transition to Higher Learning

May 23 - 26, 2011: Fun Video / Personality Workshop

Fun Video Workshop:

It was our first orientation activity and was a good start at BBA Thammasat. We were randomly separated into groups which gave us opportunity to meet new friends and get to know them better. Teacher taught us something simply nice about making films just like ?How to make things feel more professional? and exemplified some creative ads.  Read More>>


Personality Workshop:

Personality Workshop is the activity that identifies what kind and what type of person we are. The first category is how outgoing we are and how we work with people. We were classified into two groups which are Introverted and Extraverted. Read More>>


June 7, 2011: Finance Classroom Showcase & Marketing Classroom Showcase

Finance Classroom Showcase

We got to know what ?Finance? is all about, what we do as finance people and what?s the benefit and tradeoff of working in finance field. Finance is about wealth maximization and all firms need finance.  Read More>>


MK Classroom Showcase

 ?Things are not like what they appear to be? is what we learnt from the Marketing Showcase.  It was the first time we ever knew what marketing class is like in BBA Thammasat. It is interactive, full of energy and most importantly, fun.  Read More>>


June 10, 2011: AC Classroom Showcase

In BBA 20# orientation activities? Accounting Classroom Showcase?, many necessary information about accounting are provided especially the ways accounting are used in business. In the showcase, Ajarn Orapan told us mostly about the subject that we needed to take in this year; Read More>>
