June 10, 2011: Accounting Classroom Showcase

By Thammawut Lertsakornsiri


In BBA#20 Orientation Activities ?Accounting Classroom Showcase?, many necessary information about accounting are provided especially the ways accounting are used in business. In the showcase, Ajarn Orapan told us mostly about the subject that we needed to take in this year; by the way some accounting subjects were required for every major so this showcase seem to be like a intro to accounting. As I listened to her I had made up my mind to take accounting as a major and by chance finance as a minor. I remember when she told us about the CPA (Certified Public Accountant), which is what I want to be, that it is the point that every accountant aims.


This showcase is very well prepared for us with a lot of details, which helps me deciding my major and my plan for future.
