May 23 - 26, 2011: Fun Video Workshop & Personality Workshop

Fun Video Workshop

By Sirasith Sopasilapa


It was our first orientation activity and was a good start at BBA Thammasat. We were randomly separated into groups which gave us opportunity to meet new friends and get to know them better. Teacher taught us something simply nice about making films just like ?How to make things feel more professional? and exemplified some creative ads. Our task was to make a short-film, we got involved in every steps including writing script, acting and shooting movie and also technical editing in computer. Those steps seem complicated but that make us learned how to manage co-working.  Then we showed our short films in a meeting room, even though the films from each groups were made up from same plot but the fact is that all of them is so entertaining, we really enjoyed this activity. Thank you for the chance to join this enjoyable and informative activity.

