BBA#16 Graduation Party -- Vivacious Memoir

Vivacious Memoir

BBA#16 Graduation Party

July 31, 2010

@Barsu, Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit


By Worakorn(Puff) Thongkijlaohachai,BBA#16


It was a Sunday night and I expected myself to be back home not too late since I have work tomorrow.  As soon as I arrived at Sheraton Grande and went down to the ground floor, I could hear the chitchatting noises, happy laughs and people shouting each other?s name. ?Yes! I?m in the right place. BBA Congratulations Party is here.?


Beautiful smiley faces of BBA staff were waiting to welcome us at the reception. We took a photo at the backdrop and had a little chat before walking in. Inside, old faces were everywhere and they all looked very excited to see each other?yes! That included mine too. I could feel the warmth and the scent of those old memories came back again. There were not only old faces from our friends but also from our Ajarns too and it was truly amazing to see and talk to them, updating our lives and theirs. We never had realized before that we would miss them this much. When the time was right, N?Fern the MC invited Ajarn Jeab (Asst. Prof. Dr. Orapan Yolrabil) our lovely director to welcome us to the party, followed by speeches from our adorable Ajarn Bob (Prof. Dr. Robert T. Green) and our beloved Ajarn James (Ajarn James P. Fitzpatrick). The speeches from our Ajarns made us all proud of ourselves that we are not only graduated from BBA Thammasat but also graduated with a BBA Thammasat quality.
