BBA Charity Concert#4 Fundraising for the soldiers in the South

By Grit Nganthavee, BBA#16


On 5th of June, 2010, BBA Thammasat students had organized ?BBA Charity Concert #4? and yet, we have successfully imprinted an unforgettable memory to our audiences. BBA Charity Concert is organized by students from BBA Program, Thammasat University.  The purpose of this concert is to raise a considerable amount of fund and donate it to those in need.


This year, under the theme ?Reload Hope: A moment for our Heroes?, we decided to give the fund to soldiers, who was affected by the situation on South Thailand insurgency. We generated the net profit of up to 400,000 baht in which we counted as a big move for our organization. More than 2,500 audiences and 76 staffs, ranging from freshmen to seniors, had involved in the success of BBA Charity Concert #4. Moreover, this concert will further be a strong fundamental for BBA Charity Concert #5 afterwards. By organizing this concert, we, as university students, have learned how to effectively operate and manage a real event in practice. We have chances to deal with business people outsides and most importantly, we learned what teamwork actually means. Hence, we believed that we will not be able to find these great experiences either from classrooms or from textbooks.


Finally, on 3rd of May, 2011, we were honored to directly donate the fund to General Prayuth Chan-ocha, commander-in-chief of the Royal Thai Army. General Prayuth was appreciated that new generation are still interested in military and that this donation will raise awareness of southern insurgency in the society. Moreover, he was grateful with the value we gave to our soldiers, who sacrificed their lives for sovereignty of Thailand.


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Posted date: May 20, 2011 ? 10:20 hrs.
