BBA Thammasat Business Simulation 2010

By Praewsupang Kaewsuksai, BBA#16

Having spent our four years together as business students in one of the most prestigious business school in Thailand, BBA Thammasat seniors were given an opportunity to expand our knowledge and articulate ideas involving how to run a business successfully. The Business Simulation is a two-day activity incorporating a software technology as a tool to simulate a global business environment and illustrate effects of any decisions participating teams have made. Every year seniors from BBA Thammasat join this eventful activity at an exceptionally beautiful hotel. This year?s event was held at Holiday Inn, Pattaya and like everything BBA program does, it was just perfect!


All 4th year students were divided into two sections, one going on Sunday, October 31, 2010 and the other following on Monday, November 1, 2010. In a relaxing atmosphere of winter, the simulation began. The first group used the simulation program to run a business from the starting period dealing with difficult real-life decisions such as  setting up strategic goals, considering expansion strategies,and learning differences in each market. Meanwhile, the second section had to continue from what our friends had left us with, which is very challenging. This opportunity provides us with many valuable lessons regarding problem solving that we could all learn from. Teams in section 2 were put into a situation where we had to turnaround company?s crisis, maintain its profitability, or come up with ways to improve efficiency to name a few.
