BBA Thammasat: The WINNER of \"Giffarine: The Branding Project\"

By Paramee Well Smittinet, BBA#15


After a round of screening and two rounds of presentations, BBA TU students finally took the first place in the national-wide competition hosted by Giffarine.  Our team comprised of four 4th year students: Jeannie, Paramee, Pichaya and Tirapong.  Over 200 teams all over Thailand had participated in coming up with the branding strategy that will help revamp the company?s desired image of value purchase and sincerity.  Our branding concept was to bring out the connotation of ?gift? from the corporate name in our ?better gift better life? campaign, which aimed to elicit theme of sharing happiness from the standpoints of both the end-consumers and the MLM. 
