2 Field Trips in 2 Weeks with HO 317

By Dr.Somboon Kulvisaechana


Have you ever seen a TV ad of Thai Life Insurance, the one with a dramatic scene of the severe car crash where a driver (a father) reminisces of what he has turned back on to his son?  Something that we should have done but left it undone at times when life is predictably unpredictable, and death takes away the loved ones.  It is to name a few of the advertisements that capture our attention and emotion through various media channels.  This piece of sensational advertisements would have not been possible without the top-notch creativity of the people working in a non-traditional work atmosphere like Ogilvy & Mather, a world-class advertising agency, located at the Offices at CentralWorld.  To help us understand more about the organizational behavior context, Dr. Somboon Kulvisaechana took the BBA students enrolling in the course of Organizational Behavior (HO317) to get a glimpse of ?feel & look? at Ogilvy and discuss extensively with Mr. Alan Couldrey, Regional Director, Indochina, and Khun Thanya Choothesa, Associate Director of Human Resources, on April 27, 2007.  The issues discussed centered around how the firm recruits, selects, and retains the Ogilvy employees in order to secure their maximum job satisfaction and engagement to the firm.    
