FN 424 Field Trip @ Aberdeen Asset Management

By Wasin Siriskaowkul, BBA#15


Nowadays the financial activities have become so popular.  A lot of people participated in this market, someone gain from it and other loses a lot of wealth to the market.  Mutual fund business has become a very popular because it mechanisms to answer to customer demand to invest their own money effectively.


On Tuesday 17 November 2009, we have a great opportunity to participate in a FN424 Equity Analysis field trip to Aberdeen fund management to see and discuss about their fund management style.  Aberdeen is a world wide fund and very effective mutual fund they have a different way to invest in stock from other competitor and we have an opportunity to experience this in detail.  Aberdeen investment philosophy is called value investment, this is a method Warren buffet, the legendary investor, also use.  In the progress Aberdeen will go in and talk with the company and investigate in dept detail.  When finished investigating the company, Aberdeen will start to calculated and forecast a return and then hand pick the valuable and potential stock to their portfolio.  We also have an opportunity to know how the global fund like Aberdeen works from the fund manager himself and this is a very valuable experience.


The field trip to Aberdeen is a great and valuable experience to us as a future investor and entrepreneur because it is not easy to get a first-hand experience with a great people who work in the industry like these Aberdeen managers.  But because of the field trip we had a chance to expose ourselves and learn the inside detail of the global company like this.


Posted date: November 30, 2009 ? 11:00 hrs.
