BBA#15 Graduation Orientation

By Paramee Smittinet, BBA#15


As the ending of our academic journey drew near, it was time to prepare ourselves for the life outside the university.  To do so, we were given the opportunity to partake in a one-day orientation at Centara Grand Hotel.  In the morning, we were enlightened by a guest speaker, Khun Pasawee Kariwat, program officer - advising and educational services, who talked us through the prospects and the procedures for studying abroad.  Furthermore, she informed us of the available facilities that are offered by the TU international office.  Her talk got many of us to start thinking about the schools that we might like to attend in the future. 


Following the first guest speaker was a short coffee break which energized us for the upcoming session?the company booth visit.  During this session, we were able to meet with several prospective companies such as Deloitte, PWC, Unilever, PTT Chemical, and etc.  We saw some familiar faces of the recent graduates and were given advice on job application.  Additionally, they shared with us their first-hand experience on their jobs.  Most of us took this opportunity to acquire company contacts and give out our resumes.
