BBA Sports Day

By Sirinun P. (BBA#16)


The sound of cheer and laughter still rings so clearly in my ears as the thought of the BBA Sports Day on last sunday races into my mind. Students, BBA Office, as well as Ajarn came together to take part in this special occasion to strengthen the bond among our BBA family.


The spirit of BBA was once again sparkling brightly. Four groups of people from four different colors seamlessly blended into one. Others might consider it a small event but for us, the BBA students, whether freshman or senior, Thai or exchange students, it was rather a significant day when the wall, between students, is torn down. It was the day for us, brothers and sisters, to have fun and get to know each other in a way we?ve never done before.


What do we normally do on Sunday morning?  For me, I would usually just laze around and take thing as easy as it can get. However, last Sunday was different.  Everyone, including myself, showed up in sport gears, full of spirit and enthusiasm. It was time to get down to business.


Football is always the most favorite game of all time. This is rather true as the players ran tirelessly up and down the field as we cheered our heart out for them.  However, it did not matter anymore which team won. In the end, all of us were happy and smiles can be seen from both supporters or players. Everyone seemed to have a good time as we put our academic matters aside on that day.

