Mangrove Forest Restoration Program

On the Sunday 2nd of November, 2008 we went to Mangrove Forest Development Center, Welu Wetland, in Chantaburi province to attend seminar and plant mangrove trees. Our goal were first to demonstrate our love and loyalty to his majesty the king. Second, increase our awareness and appreciation of the environment. Thirdly, to help reduce global warming, and last but not least was to have fun and experience new things!


Due to some late participants, we left Bangkok at around 7 o?clock in the morning. While traveling, we were all singing and enjoying ourselves, it was like taking a break from our hard work at BBA. The trip was 4 hours long before we arrived. Welu Wetland is a Mangrove Forest Development Center located in Chantaburi. It has more than 100 Rai areas and will continue to expand. It is one of the activities supported by our majesty the Queen. There are many activities provided by the centre such as Fire flies watching and reforestation.
