BBA Thammasat: The 1st Runner up team from Yaris IMC Plan competition 2008

Have you ever heard Yaris IMC Plan competition 2008 held by Toyota? It was the competition that asked the participating teams to create the IMC plan for Yaris to be the top of the mind brand and gain the highest market share in the small hatchback car industry.


Why we joined this competition? Because it was a good opportunity for us to practice what we have learned from all the marketing courses; not only IMC, marketing planning, marketing branding, but also marketing research, etc.; and put them into the real life situation where there are many other factors to be considered. It was very challenging, hard and fun because we had only 3 weeks left to come up with the creative plan, but it still had to be feasible enough to implement.


There were more than 200 teams from nationwide sent their IMC plan reports to Toyota, but only 5 teams could pass to the final round. We recognized that it would be easier than the previous round since there were now only 5 teams left competing in the final round, but we were wrong, we had to put more effort because, now, we had to present what we have got to judges and audiences, there were all about the communicating, presenting and also defending in Q&A part.
