Thammasat Undergraduate Business Challenge (TUBC)

The 11th Thammasat Undergraduate Business Challenge (TUBC) was marked as a successful event through a great cooperation and contribution from the organizing committee, BBA students, staff and generous sponsors.  The TUBC 2008 became a more global competition as it comprised 10 participating countries from 4 continents.  On the 23rd of August, 2008, the final day of the competition had finally come.  The Team Focus Consulting, from the University of Washington, USA won the competition.  The first runner-up went to University of Auckland, followed by the second and third runner ups: Thammasat University and Tsinghua University, respectively.  Although the event had duration of only 4 days, the friendship that has been fostered amongst the participants, the advisors, the organizing committee as well as the buddies would last for a lifetime.  We would like to thank all the sponsors, including PTT Chemical, our co-partner, PTTEP, Body Glove, IT City and The Nation, for their long-standing and generous support.


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Posted date: August 27, 2008 ? 09:40 hrs.
