Graduation orientation and business game simulation BBA# 14

By Salin Iamvasant, BBA#14


The BBA International Program organized Graduation Orientation at Arnoma Hotel on the 28th of June 2008. BBA# 14 students looked professional in their business-attire. The sense of gathering brought the happiness to all of us. Not only alumni but also famous instructors showed how to prepare for the next step in future life. The first session began with the topic of how to prepare for successful job interview and how to write good resume and cover letter. After that we had a break which we had a chance to hand in our resume beforehand for several renowned companies from different industries- accounting, finance, and marketing- such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG, Phatra etc. The company Exhibition was followed by Ajarn Prapoch Mayura?s session. He taught us on dining etiquette and some tips that we should conduct on the interview day. In the afternoon, an instructor from John Robert Powers initiated us on optimism as well as good personality. Finally, Ajarn James Paul Fitzpatrick hosted the Alumni?s career discussion which the alumnus provided many useful answers and shared their valuable experience to us directly. In general this event was indeed precious to us it did not only provide helpful information to prepare us before stepping out into the real business world but also it helped us answer lots of questions towards each career path.


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