BBA 17 Filed trip to WWF

On the 23rd or 25th of June we, the BBA students, had got a mission trip to Nature and Agriculture Education Center (NAEC), WWF - Thailand for some social responsibility activities such as planting trees.


Every year BBA students will be allowed to join the trip and participate in such activities so we could have a different perception form what we think of our environment these days. The goals of being there, for BBA students, are to get a better view about Thailand?s Environment through the Chao Phraya Watershed and Water Quality; to gain a new appreciation and understanding for the need and preserve our natural resources; and exchanging idea form different point of view from each student, have fun, living and working corporately.


There were five activities for us this year including introduction to Chao Phraya River and watershed; bird watching; and tree planting for the Central Plain Forest Restoration. On the way to NAEC we were talking and having fun with each other. We become close with each other, close enough that we decided to sleep at the same time for the last 30 minutes without saying anything.


When we reached there we were excited and eager to learn, so we started with the story about Chao Phraya watershed and some other problems regarding to the environment around the world so we knew what?s going on, how worse it could get and what do we have to do to help slowing down or even solve those problems. The session was held indoor before we had a short break and went out for some field studies.

